Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
PASCAL, Declaration Section, Const Declaration

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  A  CONST  section  defines  symbolic  constants  by  associating
  identifiers with compile-time expressions.


        {constant-identifier = constant-expression};...

  The 'constant-identifier' is  the  identifier  of  the  symbolic
  constant being defined.

  The 'constant-expression' is any legal compile-time  expression.
  The  Compaq  Pascal compiler must be able to evaluate all of the
  components of a compile-time expression  when  it  compiles  the

        Year = 1981;
        Month = 'January'
        Almost_Pi = 22.0/7.0;
        Lie = FALSE;
        Untruth = Lie;

  This CONST section defines five symbolic constants.   'Year'  is
  declared  to be the numeric value '1981'; 'Month' is declared to
  be the string constant 'January'; 'Almost_Pi' is declared to  be
  the  result  of '22.0' divided by '7.0'; 'Lie' is declared to be
  the Boolean value 'FALSE'; and 'Untruth' is declared  to  be  of
  type 'Lie.'
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