Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
NCS Command, Command Qualifiers, /LIST

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  /NOLIST  (default)

   By default, you do not get a listing of the definition modules in an
   NCS library. However, you may  use  this  qualifier  to  explicitly
   specify whether or not you want a list of the NCS library contents,
   and where you want the list written. If you use the /LIST qualifier
   but  omit  the  file  specification,  NCS  writes  the  listing  to
   SYS$OUTPUT. If you include a file specification, but omit the  file
   type, NCS assigns a file type of LIS and then writes the listing to
   the specified file.

   You are not permitted to use wild card characters in specifying the
   destination file.

   Note that when you use the  /LIST  qualifier  in  conjunction  with
   qualifiers that change the library contents, such as  /DELETE,  the
   listing is written after the changes are made.  Therefore,  if  you
   delete definition FOO and simultaneously  request  a  listing,  the
   listing will not include the FOO definition.
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