Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MOUNT, Qualifiers, /UNDEFINED_FAT *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/UNDEFINED_FAT=record-format:[record-attributes:][record-size] Establishes default file attributes to be used for records on ISO 9660 media for which no record format has been specified. The following table describes the parameters: Parameter Description record- Specifies the format for all records in a file: format FIXED, VARIABLE, STREAM, STREAM_LF, STREAM_CR, LSB_VARIABLE, or MSB_VARIABLE. For a description of these record formats, refer to the discussion of the RMS field FAB$B_RFM in the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual. record- Specifies the attributes for all records in a attributes file: NONE, CR, FTN, PRN, NOBKS. Applies only to non-STREAM record formats. For a description of these record attributes, refer to the discussion of the RMS field FAB$B_RAT in the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual. record-size Specifies the maximum record size for all records in a file: 0 to 32767. Applies only to FIXED or STREAM record formats. For a description of possible RMS record sizes, refer to the discussion of the RMS field FAB$W_MRS in the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual. ISO 9660 media can be mastered from platforms that do not support semantics of files containing predefined record formats. The /UNDEFINED_FAT qualifier establishes default file attributes to be used for records on ISO 9660 media for which no record format has been specified. The /UNDEFINED_FAT qualifier is valid only in conjunction with the /MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM qualifier. This qualifier temporarily overrides all undefined file types, replacing them with selectable record formats having selectable record attributes and selectable record sizes as shown in the following illustration: { FIXED:record-attributes[, . . . ]:record-size} { VARIABLE:record-attributes[, . . . ] } { STREAM:record-size } record formats { } { STREAM_LF:record-size } { STREAM_CR:record-size } { LSB_VARIABLE:record-attributes[, . . . ] } { } { NONE - None } { CR - Carriage_return } record_attributes { FTN - Fortran } { PRN - Print } { } { NOBKS - No-Block-Span } record_size { 1 to 32767 } Example In the following example, the volume labeled OFFENS is mounted on DKA1 and all files on the volume are defined to be fixed length, carriage return, and 80 bytes in length. MOUNT also assigns the logical name STRAT. $ MOUNT/MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=(FIXED:CR:80) DKA1: OFFENS STRAT