Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MOUNT, Qualifiers, /PROCESSOR *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/PROCESSOR=keyword For magnetic tapes and Files-11 Structure Level 1 disks, requests that the MOUNT command associate an ancillary control process (ACP) to process the volume. The /PROCESSOR qualifier causes MOUNT to override the default manner in which ACPs are associated with devices. For Files-11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 disks, controls block cache allocation. The following table lists the keywords for this qualifier: Keyword Description UNIQUE Creates a new process to execute the default ancillary control process (ACP) image supporting the magnetic tape, Files-11 ODS-1, ISO 9660, or High Sierra formatted media being mounted. For Files-11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 disks, allocates a separate block cache. SAME:device Uses an existing process that is executing the same ACP image supporting the magnetic tape, Files-11 ODS-1, ISO 9660, or High Sierra formatted media being mounted. For Files-11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 disks, takes the block cache allocation from the specified device. file-spec Creates a new process to execute the ACP image specified by the file specification (for example, a modified or a user-written ACP). You cannot use wildcard characters, or node and directory names in the file specification. To use this keyword, you need CMKRNL and OPER privileges. You must have the operator user privilege OPER to use the /PROCESSOR qualifier. Example The following command directs MOUNT to mount a magnetic tape on MFA0 using the same ACP process currently associated with MTA1: $ MOUNT/PROCESSOR=SAME:MTA1: MFA0: