Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MOUNT, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
For examples 1 and 2, operator assistance is not required, assuming the volumes are in the drives. Examples 3 to 6 describe operator-assisted mounts. Examples 7 and 8 describe mounting ISO 9660 CD-ROM volume sets, example 9 makes subsystems on a volume accessible, and example 10 demonstrates mounting a shadow set. 1.$ MOUNT MTA0: MATH06 STAT_TAPE %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MATH06 mounted on _MTA0: $ COPY ST061178.DAT STAT_TAPE: This MOUNT command requests the magnetic tape whose volume label is MATH06 to be mounted on the device MTA0 and assigns the logical name STAT_TAPE to the volume. Subsequently, the COPY command copies the disk file ST061178.DAT to the magnetic tape. 2.$ ALLOCATE DM: %DCL-I-ALLOC, _DMB2: allocated $ MOUNT DMB2: TEST_FILES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TEST_FILES mounted on _DMB2: This ALLOCATE command requests an available RK06/RK07 device. After the response from the ALLOCATE command, the physical volume can be placed on the allocated device. Then, the MOUNT command mounts the volume. 3.$ MOUNT DM: TEST_FILES %MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume TEST_FILES in device _DMB2: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TEST_FILES mounted on _DMB2: This example achieves the same result as the series of commands in the preceding example. The MOUNT command requests an available RK06/RK07 device for the volume labeled TEST_FILES. After the volume is physically mounted in the device named in the response from MOUNT, the system completes the operation. Note that the device is automatically allocated by MOUNT. 4.$ MOUNT DYA1: TESTSYS %MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume TESTSYS in device DYA1: <Ctrl/Y> $ EXIT %MOUNT-I-OPRQSTCAN, operator request canceled This MOUNT command requests the operator to mount the volume TESTSYS on the device DYA1. In this example, the user cancels the mount by pressing Ctrl/Y. Notice that the image must exit before the mount request is actually canceled. Here, the EXIT command causes the image to exit. However, any command that is not performed within the command interpreter causes the current image to exit. 5.$ MOUNT DYA1: TESTSYS %MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Device _DYA1: is not available for mounting. %MOUNT-I-OPRQSTCAN, operator request canceled %MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume TESTSYS in device _DYA1: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TESTSYS mounted on _DYA1: %MOUNT-I-OPRQSTDON, operator request canceled - mount completed successfully This MOUNT command requests the operator to mount the volume TESTSYS on the device DYA1. Because DYA1 is allocated to another user, the device cannot be mounted. In this case, the user can wait for the device to become available, redirect the mount to another device, or abort the mount. Here, the user remains in operator-assisted mount waiting for the process that is using the device to deallocate it. At this point, because the device is available but no volume is mounted, the original mount request is canceled, and a new request to mount TESTSYS is issued. Finally, the operator places the volume in the drive and lets MOUNT retry the mount. When the mount completes, the request is canceled. 6.$ MOUNT DYA1: TESTSYS/COMMENT="Is there an operator around?" %MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume TESTSYS in device _DYA1: Is there an operator around? %MOUNT-I-NOOPR, no operator available to service request . . . %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TESTSYS mounted on _DYA1: %MOUNT-I-OPRQSTDON, operator request canceled - mount completed successfully This MOUNT command requests the operator to mount the volume TESTSYS on the device DYA1. In this example, no operator is available to service the request. At this point, the user can abort the mount by pressing Ctrl/Y, or wait for an operator. Here, the user waited, and an operator eventually became available to service the request. 7.$ MOUNT/SYSTEM/MEDIA=CDROM $1$DKA1 USER %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, USER:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (1 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA1: (CDROM) $ MOUNT/SYSTEM/MEDIA=CDROM $1$DKA2 PROGRAMMING_1 %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, PROGRAMMING_1:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (2 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA2: (CDROM) $ MOUNT/SYSTEM/MEDIA=CDROM $1$DKA3 PROGRAMMING_2 %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, PROGRAMMING_2:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (3 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA3: (CDROM) MOUNT/SYSTEM/MEDIA=CDROM $1$DKA4 MANAGEMENT %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, MANAGEMENT:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (4 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA4: (CDROM) These commands mount each member of a four-member ISO 9660 volume set whose volume-set name is VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION. 8.$ MOUNT/SYSTEM/MEDIA=CDROM $1$DKA1,$1$DKA2,$1$DKA3,$1$DKA4 USER,PROGRAMMING_1,PROGRAMMING_2,MANAGEMENT %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, USER:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (1 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA1: (CDROM) %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, PROGRAMMING_1:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (2 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA2: (CDROM) %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, PROGRAMMING_2:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (3 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA3: (CDROM) %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, MANAGEMENT:VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION (4 of 4) , mounted on _$1$DKA4: (CDROM) This command mounts four members of an ISO 9660 volume set whose volume set name is VMS_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION. 9.$ MOUNT/SYSTEM/SUBSYSTEM $8$DKA300: ATLANTIS_WORK1 %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ATLANTIS_WORK1 mounted on _$8$DKA300: (ATLANTIS) $ SHOW DEVICE/FULL $8$DKA300: Disk $8$DKA300: (ATLANTIS), device type RZ24, is online, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled. Error count 0 Operations completed 385 Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM] Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512 Total blocks 409792 Sectors per track 38 Total cylinders 1348 Tracks per cylinder 8 Allocation class 8 Volume label "ATLANTIS_WORK1" Relative volume number 0 Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Free blocks 396798 Maximum files allowed 51224 Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Mount status System Cache name "_$8$DKA700:XQPCACHE" Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 39679 File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 0 Quota cache size 50 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 295 Volume owner UIC [VMS,PLATO] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD Volume status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, protected subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-through caching enabled. The MOUNT command mounts a volume labeled ATLANTIS_WORK1, which is available systemwide. Subsystems on the volume are accessible. 10$ MOUNT DSA0: /SHADOW=($200$DKA200:,$200$DKA300:,$200$DKA400:) X5OZCOPY %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, X5OZCOPY mounted on _DSA0: %MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$200$DKA200: (VIPER1) is now a valid member of the shadow set %MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$200$DKA300: (VIPER1) is now a valid member of the shadow set %MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$200$DKA400: (VIPER1) is now a valid member of the shadow set $ DISMOUNT DSA0: $ MOUNT/INCLUDE DSA0: /SHADOW=$200$DKA200: X5OXCOPY %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, X5OZCOPY mounted on _DSA0: %MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$200$DKA200: (VIPER1) is now a valid member of the shadow set %MOUNT-I-AUTOMEMSUCC, _$200$DKA300: (VIPER1) automatically added to the shadow set %MOUNT-I-AUTOMEMSUCC, _$200$DKA400: (VIPER1) automatically added to the shadow set In this example, an existing shadow set is mounted in two ways. The first MOUNT command specifies each member of the shadow set with the /SHADOW qualifier. Then, after DSA0: is dismounted, the second MOUNT command uses the /INCLUDE qualifier to automatically mount all members of the shadow set.