Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
MMS, Oracle CDD/Plus

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    If the Oracle Common Data Dictionary (CDD/Plus) is installed on  your
    system,  you  can  use  MMS  to  access records and other definitions
    stored in CDD/Plus.  In a dependency rule, you follow the  path  name
    of  a  CDD/Plus  definition  with  a caret (^) to inform MMS that the
    source is stored in CDD/Plus.  For example:

         A.PAS : CDD$TOP.B.C.D.E^      ! CDD record that updates A.PAS
              ! action to update A.PAS

    To insert a remark in the CDD/Plus history list when MMS  accesses  a
    CDD/Plus  definition, use the /AUDIT qualifier after the caret in the
    CDD/Plus specification.  Follow the /AUDIT qualifier  with  a  quoted
    string  that  contains  the  remark  to  be  inserted in the CDD/Plus
    history file.  For example:

         A : CDD$TOP.B.C.D.E^/AUDIT="Accessed by MMS to update A"
              ! action to update A

    The MMS default macro CDDFLAGS is initially defined to  be  the  null
    string, but you can redefine it so that the same remark is written to
    the history file for all accesses to CDD/Plus entities.

    You cannot use the /REVISE_DATE qualifier with references to CDD/Plus
    definitions.   The  /NOACTION  qualifier  does  not affect the /AUDIT
    qualifier; that is, remarks are written to the CDD/Plus history  file
    even if action lines are not being executed.
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