Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MERGE, Specification File Qualifiers, /CONDITION, Qualifier Values *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
NAME=condition-name Specifies the name of the condition you are testing. This condition-name can be used in /KEY, /DATA, /OMIT, and /INCLUDE qualifiers after it has been defined using the /CONDITION qualifier. TEST=(field-name operator test-condition) Specifies the conditional test. field-name Specifies the name of the field you are testing. The field-name must be defined previously by a /FIELD qualifier. operator Specifies the logical or relational operator used in the conditional test. The logical operators that you can use are AND and OR. The relational operators that you can specify are as follows: EQ Equal to NE Not equal to GT Greater than GE Greater than or equal to LT Less than LE Less than or equal to test-condition Specifies the constant or field-name against which you are testing. A constant is specified with the following format: Decimal_digits (default) %Ddecimal_digits %Ooctal_digits %Xhexadecimal_digits "character" NOTE Normally, you do not need to specify the radix operator (%D); however, test-condition will assume the same data type as the field-name. The field-name must be defined by a /FIELD qualifier.