Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Qualifiers *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/ALPHA On Alpha systems, invokes the MACRO-64 Assembler for OpenVMS Alpha (if installed on the system). For a description of the assembler, see the MACRO-64 Assembler for OpenVMS Alpha Reference Manual. /ANALYSIS_DATA /ANALYSIS_DATA[=filespec] /NOANALYSIS_DATA (default) Controls whether the assembler creates an analysis data file for the OpenVMS Source Code Analyzer (SCA), and optionally provides the file specification. By default, the assembler does not create an analysis data file. If you specify the /ANALYSIS_DATA qualifier without a file specification, the assembler creates a file with the same file name as the first input file for the MACRO command. The default file type for analysis data files is .ANA. When you specify the /ANALYSIS_DATA qualifier, you can control the defaults applied to the output file specification by the placement of the qualifier in the command line. /CROSS_REFERENCE /CROSS_REFERENCE[=(function[,...])] /NOCROSS_REFERENCE (default) Controls whether a listing is produced of the locations in the source file where the specified function (or functions) is defined or referenced. If you specify only one function, you can omit the parentheses. You can specify the following functions: ALL Cross-references directives, macros, operation codes, registers, and symbols DIRECTIVES Cross-references directives MACROS Cross-references macros OPCODES Cross-references operation codes REGISTERS Cross-references registers SYMBOLS Cross-references symbols Because the assembler writes the cross-references to the listing file, you must specify the /LIST qualifier with the /CROSS_ REFERENCE qualifier. If you specify no functions in the /CROSS_ REFERENCE qualifier, the assembler assumes the default value of /CROSS_REFERENCE=(MACROS,SYMBOLS). The /NOCROSS_REFERENCE qualifier excludes the cross-reference listing. /DEBUG /DEBUG[=option] /NODEBUG (default) Includes or excludes local symbols in the symbol table or traceback information in the object module. You can replace the /ENABLE and /DISABLE qualifiers with the /DEBUG and /NODEBUG qualifiers when you use the appropriate DEBUG and TRACEBACK options. The /DEBUG or the /NODEBUG qualifier overrides debugging characteristics set with the .ENABLE or .DISABLE assembler directives. You can specify one or more of the following options: ALL Includes in the object module all local symbols in the symbol table, and provides all traceback information for the debugger. This option is equivalent to /ENABLE=(DEBUG,TRACEBACK). NONE Makes local symbols and traceback information in the object module unavailable to the debugger. This option is equivalent to /DISABLE=(DEBUG,TRACEBACK). SYMBOLS Makes all local symbols in the object module available to the debugger. Makes traceback information unavailable to the debugger. This option is equivalent to /ENABLE=DEBUG and /DISABLE=TRACEBACK together. TRACEBACK Makes traceback information in the object module available to the debugger and local symbols unavailable to the debugger. This option is equivalent to /ENABLE=TRACEBACK and /DISABLE=DEBUG together. If you specify no options to the /DEBUG qualifier, it assumes the default value of /DEBUG=ALL. /DIAGNOSTICS /DIAGNOSTICS[=filespec] /NODIAGNOSTICS (default) Creates a file containing assembler messages and diagnostic information. If you omit the file specification, the default file name is the same as the source program; the default file type is DIA. No wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. The diagnostics file is reserved for use with Digital layered products, such as the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE). /DISABLE /DISABLE=(function[,...]) /NODISABLE Provides initial settings for the functions disabled by the .DISABLE assembler directive. You can specify one or more of the following functions: ABSOLUTE Assembles relative addresses as absolute addresses. DEBUG Includes local symbol table information in the object file for use with the debugger. GLOBAL Assumes undefined symbols to be external symbols. SUPPRESSION Suppresses listing of unreferenced symbols in the symbol table. TRACEBACK Provides traceback information to the debugger. TRUNCATION Truncates floating-point numbers (if truncation is disabled, numbers are rounded). VECTOR Enables the assembler to accept and correctly process vector code. If you specify only one function, you can omit the parentheses. If you specify no functions in the /DISABLE qualifier, it assumes the default value of /DISABLE=(ABSOLUTE,DEBUG, TRUNCATION, VECTOR). The /NODISABLE qualifier has the same effect as not specifying the /DISABLE qualifier, or negates the effects of any /DISABLE qualifiers specified earlier in the command line. /ENABLE /ENABLE=(function[,...]) /NOENABLE Provides initial settings for the functions controlled by the .ENABLE assembler directive. You can specify one or more of the following functions: ABSOLUTE Assembles relative addresses as absolute addresses. DEBUG Includes local symbol table information in the object file for use with the debugger. GLOBAL Assumes undefined symbols to be external symbols. SUPPRESSION Suppresses listing of unreferenced symbols in the symbol table. TRACEBACK Provides traceback information to the debugger. TRUNCATION Truncates floating-point numbers (if truncation is disabled, numbers are rounded). VECTOR Enables the assembler to accept and correctly process vector code. The /NOENABLE qualifier has the same effect as not specifying the /ENABLE qualifier, or negates the effects of any /ENABLE qualifiers specified earlier in the command line. You can specify one or more of the functions listed in the description of the /DISABLE qualifier. If you specify only one function, you can omit the parentheses. If you specify no functions in the /DISABLE qualifier, it assumes the default value of /ENABLE=(GLOBAL,TRACEBACK,SUPPRESSION). /LIBRARY /LIBRARY /NOLIBRARY Positional qualifier. The /LIBRARY qualifier cannot be used with the /UPDATE qualifier. The associated input file to the /LIBRARY qualifier must be a macro library. The default file type is MLB. The /NOLIBRARY qualifier has the same effect as not specifying the /LIBRARY qualifier, or negates the effects of any /LIBRARY qualifiers specified earlier in the command line. The assembler can search up to 16 libraries, one of which is always STARLET.MLB. This number applies to a particular assembly, not necessarily to a particular MACRO command. If you enter the MACRO command so that more than one source file is assembled, but the source files are assembled separately, you can specify up to 16 macro libraries for each separate assembly. More than one macro library in an assembly causes the libraries to be searched in reverse order of their specification. A macro call in a source program causes the assembler to begin the following sequence of searches: 1. An initial search of the libraries specified with the .LIBRARY directive. The assembler searches these libraries in the reverse order of that in which they were declared. 2. If the macro definition is not found in any of the libraries specified with the .LIBRARY directive, a search of the libraries specified in the MACRO command line (in the reverse order in which they were specified). 3. If the macro definition is not found in any of the libraries specified in the command line, a search of STARLET.MLB. /LIST /LIST[=filespec] /NOLIST Creates or omits an output listing, and optionally provides an output file specification for it. The default file type for the listing file is LIS. No wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. An interactive MACRO command does not produce a listing file by default. The /NOLIST qualifier, present either explicitly or by default, causes errors to be reported on the current output device. The /LIST qualifier is the default for a MACRO command in a batch job. The /LIST qualifier allows you to control the defaults applied to the output file specification by the placement of the qualifier in the command line. For more information on entering output file qualifiers, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. /OBJECT /OBJECT[=filespec] /NOOBJECT Creates or omits an object module. It also defines the file specification. By default, the assembler creates an object module with the same file name as the first input file. The default file type for object files is OBJ. No wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. The /OBJECT qualifier controls the defaults applied to the output file specification by the placement of the qualifier in the command line. For more information on entering output file qualifiers, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. /SHOW /SHOW[=(function[,...])] /NOSHOW[=(function[,...])] Provides initial settings for the functions controlled by the assembler directives .SHOW and .NOSHOW. You can specify one or more of the following functions: CONDITIONALS Lists unsatisfied conditional code associated with .IF and .ENDC MACRO directives. CALLS Lists macro calls and repeat range expansions. DEFINITIONS Lists macro definitions. EXPANSIONS Lists macro expansions. BINARY Lists binary code generated by the expansion of macro calls. If you specify more than one function, separate each with a comma and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify no functions in the /SHOW qualifier, it increments the listing level count; the /NOSHOW qualifier decrements the count in similar circumstances. Because these qualifiers contribute to the listing file, you must also specify the /LIST qualifier when you use them. If you do not specify the /SHOW qualifier, the MACRO command assumes a default of /SHOW=(CONDITIONALS,CALLS,DEFINITIONS). If you specify only one function, you can omit the parentheses. /UPDATE /UPDATE[=(update-filespec[,...])] /NOUPDATE Positional qualifier. The /UPDATE qualifier cannot be used with the /ALPHA, the /LIBRARY, or the /MIGRATION qualifier. Updates the input file it qualifies by using the SUMSLP batch editor and the specified update file or files. By default, the assembler assumes that the update file has the same file name as the input source file and a file type of UPD. You cannot include a wildcard character in the file specifications. If it cannot find a specified update file, the assembler prints an informational message and continues the assembly. If you specify only one update file, you can omit the parentheses. If you specify more than one update file, the assembler merges the contents into a single list of updates before applying the updates to the source file. The /NOUPDATE qualifier has the same effect as not specifying the /UPDATE qualifier, or negates any /UPDATE qualifiers specified earlier in the command line. The input source file and update files are not changed by the update operation. The effects of the update appear in the compiled output. If you specify the /LIST qualifier with the /UPDATE qualifier, the assembler writes an audit trail of the changes to the listing file.