Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Instructions, REMQUE

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Purpose:        Remove entry from head or tail of queue
    Format:         opcode entry.ab,addr.wl
    Operation:      if {all memory accesses can be completed} then
                      ((entry+4)) = (entry); ((entry)+4) = (entry+4);
                      addr = entry;
                    else begin
                      {backup instruction}; {initiate fault};
    C. Codes:       N = {(entry) LSS (entry+4)},
                    Z = {(entry) EQL (entry+4)},
                    V = {entry EQL (entry + 4)},
                    C = {(entry) LSSU (entry+4)}
    Exceptions:     None
    Opcode:         0F    REMQUE   Remove entry from queue
    Description:    The queue entry specified by entry is removed from
                    the queue. The address operand is replaced by the
                    address of the entry removed. If there way no entry
                    in the queue to be removed, the condition code V is
                    set; otherwise it is cleared. The removal is a
                    noninterruptable operation. The entire operation is
                    validated before any part is executed. If a memory
                    management exception occurs the queue is left in a
                    consistent state.
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