Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Instructions, MOVTUC

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Purpose:        To move and translate a character string, handling
                    escape codes (until character)
    Format:         opcode,srcaddr.ab,esc.rb,tbladdr.ab,
    C. Codes:       N = {srclen LSS dstlen}, Z = {srclen EQL dstlen},
                    V = {terminated by escape}, C = {srclen LSSU dstlen}
    Exceptions:     None
    Opcode:         2F    MOVTUC   Move translated until character
    Description:    The source operand string specified by srclen and
                    srcaddr is translated and replaces the destination
                    string as specified by dstlen and dstaddr. Translation

                    is done by using each byte of src as an index into
                    tbl (256 byte array). The selected byte is placed in
                    dst. Translation continues until a translated byte
                    equals esc or either string is exhausted. If
                    translation is terminated by esc, the condtion code
                    V-bit is set. If dst overlaps src or tbl, dst and the
                    registers are unpredictable.
    Notes:          After execution:

                    R0 = number of bytes remaining in source string
                         (including the byte that caused the escape);
                         R0 is 0 only if the entire source string was
                         translated and moved without escape
                    R1 = address of the byte that resulted in destination
                         string exhaustion or escape; or if no exhaustion
                         or escape, address of one byte beyond the
                         source string
                    R2 = 0
                    R3 = address of the table
                    R4 = number of bytes remaining in the destination
                    R5 = address of the byte in the destination string
                         that would have received the translated byte
                         that caused the escape, or would have received
                         a translated byte if the source string were
                         not exhausted; or if no exhaustion or escape,
                         the address of one byte beyond the destination
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