Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Instructions, MOVAx

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Purpose:        Move address - calculate address of quantity
    Format:         opcode,dst.wl
    Operation:      dst = src
    C. Codes:       N = {dst LSS 0}, Z = {dst EQL 0}, V = 0, C = 0
    Exceptions:     None
    Opcodes:        9E    MOVAB    Move address of byte
                    3E    MOVAW    Move address of word
                    DE    MOVAL    Move address of long
                    7E    MOVAQ    Move address of quad
                    7EFD  MOVAO    Move address of octa
                    DE    MOVAF    Move address of F_floating
                    7E    MOVAD    Move address of D_floating
                    7E    MOVAG    Move address of G_floating
                    7EFD  MOVAH    Move address of H_floating
    Description:    dst is replaced by the address of src. The context in
                    which src is evaluated is given by the data type of the
                    instruction. The operand at the address of src is not
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