Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Instructions, CASEx *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
Purpose: Perform multi-way branching depending on arithmetic input Format: opcode selector.rx,base.rx,limit.rx,disp[0].bw,..., disp[limit].bw Operation: tmp = selector - base; PC = PC + if tmp LEQU limit then SEXT (displ[tmp]) else {2 + 2*ZEXT (limit)} C. Codes: N = {tmp LSS limit}, Z = {tmp EQL limit}, V = 0, C = {tmp LSSU limit} Exceptions: None Opcodes: 8F CASEB Case byte AF CASEW Case word CF CASEL Case long Description: base is subtracted from selector and tmp is replaced by the result. The temporary tmp is compared with limit and if it is less than or equal (unsigned) a branch displacement is selected by tmp added to PC and PC is replaced by the result. Otherwise 2 * (limit+1) is added to PC and the result is placed in PC. This causes PC to be moved past the table of branch displacements. The condition codes are always affected by the comparison of tmp with limit.