Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Instructions, Bxxxx *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
Purpose: Branch - test condition code(s) Format: opcode Operation: if {condition} then PC = {PC + SEXT (displ)} C. Codes: Not affected Exceptions: None Opcodes: 12 {Z EQL 0} BNEQ Branch not equal (s) BNEQU Branch not equal (u) 13 {Z EQL 1} BEQL Branch equal (s) BEQLU Branch equal (u) 14 {(N OR Z) EQL 0} BGTR Branch greater than (s) 15 {(N OR Z) EQL 1} BLEQ Branch less or equal (s) 18 {N EQL 0} BGEQ Branch greater, equal (s) 19 {N EQL 1} BLSS Branch less than (s) 1A {(C OR Z) EQL 0} BGTRU Branch greater than (u) 1B {(C OR Z) EQL 1} BLEQU Branch less or equal (u) 1C {V EQL 0} BVC Branch overflow clear 1D {V EQL 1} BVS Branch overflow set 1E {C EQL 0} BGEQU Branch greater, equal (u) BCC Branch carry clear 1F {C EQL 1} BLSSU Branch less than (u) BCS Branch carry set legend: s - signed, u - unsigned Description: The condition codes are tested and if the condition indicated by the instruction is met, the sign extended branch displacement is added to the PC.