Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb MACRO, VAX MACRO Assembler, Directives, .PSECT *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
Defines a program section and its attributes and refers to a program section once it is defined. .PSECT [program-section-name[,argument-list]] program-section-name The name of the program section. This name can be up to 31 characters long and can contain any alphanumeric character and the special characters underline (_), dollar sign ($), and period (.). The first character must not be a digit. argument-list A list containing the program section attributes and the program section alignment. Program sections are aligned when you specify an integer in the range of 0 through 9 or one of the five keywords; byte, word, long, quad, or page. If you specify an integer, the program section is linked to begin at the next virtual address, which is a multiple of 2 raised to the power of the integer. If you specify a keyword, the program section is linked to begin at the next virtual address (a multiple of the specified values.) BYTE is the default. Program Section Attributes: Attribute Function ABS Absolute CON Concatenate (Default) EXE Executable (Default) GBL Global LCL Local (Default) LIB Library Segment NOEXE Not Executable NOPIC Non-Position-Independent Content (Default) NORD Nonreadable NOSHR No Share (Default) NOVEC Nonvector-Containing (Default) NOWRT Nonwriteable OVR Overlay PIC Position-Independent Content RD Readable (Default) REL Relocatable (Default) SHR Share USR User Segment VEC Vector-Containing WRT Write (Default) The assembler automatically defines two program sections: the absolute program section and the unnamed (or blank) program section. Any symbol definitions that appear before any instruction, data, or .PSECT directive are placed in the absolute program section.