Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb Lexicals, F$GETQUI, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
function Specifies the action that the F$GETQUI lexical function is to perform. F$GETQUI supports all functions that can be specified with the $GETQUI system service. The following table lists these functions: Function Description CANCEL_OPERATION Terminates any wildcard operation that may have been initiated by a previous call to F$GETQUI. DISPLAY_ Returns information about a specific CHARACTERISTIC characteristic definition or the next characteristic definition in a wildcard operation. DISPLAY_ENTRY Returns information about a specific job entry or the next job entry that matches the selection criteria in a wildcard operation. The DISPLAY_ENTRY function code is similar to the DISPLAY_JOB function code in that both return job information. DISPLAY_JOB, however, requires that a call be made to establish queue context; DISPLAY_ENTRY does not require that queue context be established. Only those entries that match the user-name of the current process will be processed. DISPLAY_FILE Returns information about the next file defined for the current job context. Before you make a call to F$GETQUI to request file information, you must make a call to display queue and job information (with the DISPLAY_QUEUE and DISPLAY_JOB function codes) or to display entry information (with the DISPLAY_ENTRY function code). DISPLAY_FORM Returns information about a specific form definition or the next form definition in a wildcard operation. DISPLAY_JOB Returns information about the next job defined for the current queue context. Before you make a call to F$GETQUI to request job information, you must make a call to display queue information (with the DISPLAY_QUEUE function code). The DISPLAY_JOB function code is similar to the DISPLAY_ENTRY function code in that both return job information. DISPLAY_JOB, however, requires that a call be made to establish queue context; DISPLAY_ENTRY does not require that queue context be established. DISPLAY_MANAGER Returns information about a specific queue manager or the next queue manager in a wildcard operation. DISPLAY_QUEUE Returns information about a specific queue definition or the next queue definition in a wildcard operation. TRANSLATE_QUEUE Translates a logical name for a queue to the equivalence name for the queue. Some function arguments cannot be specified with the item- code, the object-id, or the flags argument. The following table lists each function argument and corresponding format line to show whether the item-code, object-id, and flags arguments are required, optional, or not applicable for that specific function. In the following format lines, brackets ([ ]) denote an optional argument. An omitted argument means the argument is not applicable for that function. Note that two commas (,,) must be used as placeholders to denote an omitted (whether optional or not applicable) argument. Function Format Line CANCEL_ F$GETQUI("CANCEL_OPERATION") or F$GETQUI(" ") OPERATION DISPLAY_ F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_CHARACTERISTIC", CHARACTERISTIC [item],object-id,[flags]) DISPLAY_ENTRY F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY",[item], [object- id],[flags]) DISPLAY_FILE F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_FILE",[item],,[flags]) DISPLAY_FORM F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_FORM",[item], object- id,[flags]) DISPLAY_JOB F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB",[item],,[flags]) DISPLAY_MANAGER F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_MANAGER",[item],object- id,[flags]) DISPLAY_QUEUE F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE",[item],object- id,[flags]) TRANSLATE_QUEUE F$GETQUI("TRANSLATE_QUEUE",[item],object-id) item Corresponds to a $GETQUI system service output item code. The item argument specifies the kind of information you want returned about a particular queue, job, file, form, or characteristic. On VAX, queue manager information is also available. These are the item codes: ACCOUNT_NAME AFTER_TIME ASSIGNED_QUEUE_NAME AUTOSTART_ON BASE_PRIORITY CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC_NAME CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER CHECKPOINT_DATA CLI COMPLETED_BLOCKS CONDITION_VECTOR CPU_DEFAULT CPU_LIMIT DEFAULT_FORM_NAME DEFAULT_FORM_STOCK DEVICE_NAME ENTRY_NUMBER EXECUTING_JOB_COUNT FILE_BURST FILE_CHECKPOINTED FILE_COPIES FILE_COPIES_DONE FILE_COUNT FILE_DELETE FILE_DOUBLE_SPACE FILE_EXECUTING FILE_FLAG FILE_FLAGS FILE_IDENTIFICATION FILE_PAGE_HEADER FILE_PAGINATE FILE_PASSALL FILE_SETUP_MODULES FILE_SPECIFICATION FILE_STATUS FILE_TRAILER FIRST_PAGE FORM_DESCRIPTION FORM_FLAGS FORM_LENGTH FORM_MARGIN_BOTTOM FORM_MARGIN_LEFT FORM_MARGIN_RIGHT FORM_MARGIN_TOP FORM_NAME FORM_NUMBER FORM_SETUP_MODULES FORM_SHEET_FEED FORM_STOCK FORM_TRUNCATE FORM_WIDTH FORM_WRAP GENERIC_TARGET HOLDING_JOB_COUNT INTERVENING_BLOCKS INTERVENING_JOBS JOB_ABORTING JOB_COMPLETION_QUEUE JOB_COMPLETION_TIME JOB_COPIES JOB_COPIES_DONE JOB_CPU_LIMIT JOB_ERROR_RETENTION JOB_EXECUTING JOB_FILE_BURST JOB_FILE_BURST_ONE JOB_FILE_FLAG JOB_FILE_FLAG_ONE JOB_FILE_PAGINATE JOB_FILE_TRAILER JOB_FILE_TRAILER_ONE JOB_FLAGS JOB_HOLDING JOB_INACCESSIBLE JOB_LIMIT JOB_LOG_DELETE JOB_LOG_NULL JOB_LOG_SPOOL JOB_LOWERCASE JOB_NAME JOB_NOTIFY JOB_PENDING JOB_PID JOB_REFUSED JOB_RESET_MODULES JOB_RESTART JOB_RETAINED JOB_RETENTION JOB_RETENTION_TIME JOB_SIZE JOB_SIZE_MAXIMUM JOB_SIZE_MINIMUM JOB_STALLED JOB_STARTING JOB_STATUS JOB_SUSPENDED JOB_TIMED_RELEASE JOB_WSDEFAULT JOB_WSEXTENT JOB_WSQUOTA LAST_PAGE LIBRARY_SPECIFICATION LOG_QUEUE LOG_SPECIFICATION MANAGER_NAME MANAGER_NODE MANAGER_STATUS NOTE OPERATOR_REQUEST OWNER_UIC PAGE_SETUP_MODULES PARAMETER_1 to PARAMETER_8 ENDING_JOB_BLOCK_COUNT PENDING_JOB_COUNT PENDING_JOB_REASON PEND_CHAR_MISMATCH PEND_JOB_SIZE_MAX PEND_JOB_SIZE_MIN PEND_LOWERCASE_MISMATCH PEND_NO_ACCESS PEND_QUEUE_BUSY PEND_QUEUE_STATE PEND_STOCK_MISMATCH PRIORITY PROCESSOR PROTECTION QUEUE_ACL_SPECIFIED QUEUE_ALIGNING QUEUE_AUTOSTART QUEUE_AUTOSTART_INACTIVE QUEUE_AVAILABLE QUEUE_BATCH QUEUE_BUSY QUEUE_CLOSED QUEUE_CPU_DEFAULT QUEUE_CPU_LIMIT QUEUE_DESCRIPTION QUEUE_DIRECTORY QUEUE_FILE_BURST QUEUE_FILE_BURST_ONE QUEUE_FILE_FLAG QUEUE_FILE_FLAG_ONE QUEUE_FILE_PAGINATE QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER_ONE QUEUE_FLAGS QUEUE_GENERIC QUEUE_GENERIC_SELECTION QUEUE_IDLE QUEUE_JOB_BURST QUEUE_JOB_FLAG QUEUE_JOB_SIZE_SCHED QUEUE_JOB_TRAILER QUEUE_LOWERCASE QUEUE_NAME QUEUE_PAUSED QUEUE_PAUSING QUEUE_PRINTER QUEUE_RECORD_BLOCKING QUEUE_REMOTE QUEUE_RESETTING QUEUE_RESUMING QUEUE_RETAIN_ALL QUEUE_RETAIN_ERROR QUEUE_SERVER QUEUE_STALLED QUEUE_STARTING QUEUE_STATUS QUEUE_STOP_PENDING QUEUE_STOPPED QUEUE_STOPPING QUEUE_SWAP QUEUE_TERMINAL QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE QUEUE_WSDEFAULT QUEUE_WSEXTENT QUEUE_WSQUOTA REQUEUE_QUEUE_NAME RESTART_QUEUE_NAME RETAINED_JOB_COUNT SCSNODE_NAME SECURITY_INACCESSIBLE SUBMISSION_TIME TIMED_RELEASE_JOB_COUNT UIC USERNAME WSDEFAULT WSEXTENT WSQUOTA object-id Corresponds to the $GETQUI system service QUI$SEARCH_NAME, QUI$_ SEARCH_NUMBER, and QUI$_SEARCH_JOB_NAME input item codes. The object-id argument specifies either the name or the number of an object (for example, a specific queue name, job name, or form number) about which F$GETQUI is to return information. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed for the following functions: DISPLAY_CHARACTERISTIC DISPLAY_ENTRY DISPLAY_FORM DISPLAY_MANAGER DISPLAY_QUEUE By specifying an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) wildcard character as the object-id argument on successive calls, you can get status information about one or more jobs in a specific queue or about files within jobs in a specific queue. When a name is used with wildcard characters, each call returns information for the next object (queue, form, and so on) in the list. A null string ("") is returned when the end of the list is reached. A wildcard can represent only object names, not object numbers. flags Specifies a list of keywords, separated by commas, that corresponds to the flags defined for the $GETQUI system service QUI$_SEARCH_FLAGS input item code. (These flags are used to define the scope of the object search specified in the call to the $GETQUI system service.) Note that keywords in the following table can be used only with certain function codes. Valid Function Keyword Code Description ALL_JOBS DISPLAY_JOB Requests that F$GETQUI search all jobs included in the established queue context. If you do not specify this flag, F$GETQUI returns information only about jobs that have the same user name as the caller. BATCH DISPLAY_QUEUE Selects batch queues. DISPLAY_ENTRY EXECUTING_JOBS DISPLAY_ENTRY Selects executing jobs. DISPLAY_JOB FREEZE_CONTEXT DISPLAY_ When in wildcard mode, CHARACTERISTIC prevents advance of wildcard DISPLAY_ENTRY context to the next object. DISPLAY_FILE If you do not specify DISPLAY_FORM this flag, the context is DISPLAY_JOB advanced to the next object. DISPLAY_MANAGER DISPLAY_QUEUE GENERIC DISPLAY_ENTRY Selects generic queues for DISPLAY_QUEUE searching. HOLDING_JOBS DISPLAY_ENTRY Selects jobs on DISPLAY_JOB unconditional hold. PENDING_JOBS DISPLAY_ENTRY Selects pending jobs. DISPLAY_JOB PRINTER DISPLAY_QUEUE Selects printer queues. DISPLAY_ENTRY RETAINED_JOBS DISPLAY_ENTRY Selects jobs being retained. DISPLAY_JOB SERVER DISPLAY_QUEUE Selects server queues. DISPLAY_ENTRY SYMBIONT DISPLAY_QUEUE Selects all output queues. DISPLAY_ENTRY Equivalent to specifying "PRINTER,SERVER,TERMINAL". TERMINAL DISPLAY_QUEUE Selects terminal queues. DISPLAY_ENTRY THIS_JOB DISPLAY_FILE Selects all job file DISPLAY_JOB information about the DISPLAY_QUEUE calling batch job, the command file being executed, or the queue associated with the calling batch job. TIMED_RELEASE_ DISPLAY_ENTRY Selects jobs on hold until a JOBS DISPLAY_JOB specified time. WILDCARD DISPLAY_ Establishes and saves a CHARACTERISTIC context. Because the context DISPLAY_ENTRY is saved, the next operation DISPLAY_FORM can be performed based on DISPLAY_MANAGER that context. DISPLAY_QUEUE