Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb Lexicals, F$CONTEXT, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
context-type Specifies the type of context to be built. At present, the only context type available is PROCESS, which is used in constructing selection criteria for F$PID. Privileges are not required to see processes for the same UIC. To see processes for another UIC in the same UIC group, you need the GROUP privilege, and to see processes systemwide, you need the WORLD privilege. context-symbol Specifies a symbol that DCL uses to refer to the context memory being constructed by the F$CONTEXT function. The function F$PID uses this context symbol to process the appropriate list of process identification (PID) numbers. Specify the context symbol by using a symbol. The first time you use the F$CONTEXT function in a command procedure, use a symbol that is either undefined or equated to the null string. The symbol created will be a local symbol of type "PROCESS_CONTEXT". When the context is no longer valid-that is, when all PIDs have been retrieved by calls to the F$PID function or an error occurs during one of these calls-the symbol no longer has a type of "PROCESS_CONTEXT". Then you can use the F$TYPE function in the command procedure to find out if it is necessary to cancel the context. After setting up the selection criteria, use this context symbol when calling F$PID. selection-item Specifies a keyword that tells F$CONTEXT which selection criterion to use. Use only one selection-item keyword per call to F$CONTEXT. NOTE Do not use the NEQ selection value on a list of items because it causes the condition to always be true. For example: $ EXAMPLE=f$context("PROCESS",CTX,"USERNAME","A*,B*","NEQ") This equation is parsed as "if the user name is not equal to A* or the user name is not equal to B*, then return the process of the users that meet the criteria." Because the operand is a logical or, the conditions will always be true (any name will be found to be not equal to A* or B*; ALFRED will not be equal to B*; BOB will not be equal to A*). The following table shows valid selection-item keywords for the PROCESS context type: Selection Selection Value Item Value Qualifiers Comments ACCOUNT String EQL, NEQ Valid account name or list of names. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. AUTHPRI Integer GEQ, On Alpha, valid authorized base GTR, priority (0-63). On VAX, valid LEQ, authorized base priority (0-31). LSS, EQL, NEQ CANCEL Cancels the selection criteria for this context. CURPRIV Keyword ALL, Valid privilege name keyword ANY, or list of keywords. For more EQL, NEQ information, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. GRP Integer GEQ, UIC group number. GTR, LEQ, LSS, EQL, NEQ HW_MODEL Integer EQL, NEQ Valid hardware model number. HW_NAME String EQL, NEQ Valid hardware name or a list of keywords. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. JOBPRCCNT Integer GEQ, Subprocess count for entire job. GTR, LEQ, LSS, EQL, NEQ JOBTYPE Keyword EQL, NEQ Valid job-type keyword. Valid keywords are DETACHED, NETWORK, BATCH, LOCAL, DIALUP, and REMOTE. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual. MASTER_ String EQL, NEQ PID of master process. PID MEM Integer GEQ, UIC member number. GTR, LEQ, LSS, EQL, NEQ MODE Keyword EQL, NEQ Valid process mode keyword. Valid keywords are OTHER, NETWORK, BATCH, and INTERACTIVE. For more information, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. NODE_ Integer EQL, NEQ Node's cluster ID number. CSID NODENAME String EQL, NEQ Node name or list of node names. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. The default is your local node. To request all nodes, use the value "*". OWNER String EQL, NEQ PID of immediate parent process. PRCCNT Integer GEQ, Subprocess count of process. GTR, LEQ, LSS, EQL, NEQ PRCNAM String EQL, NEQ Process name or list of process names. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. PRI Integer GEQ, Process priority level number GTR, (0-63, on Alpha), (0-31, on VAX). LEQ, LSS, EQL, NEQ PRIB Integer GEQ, Base process priority level number GTR, (0-63, on Alpha), (0-31, on VAX). LEQ, LSS, EQL, NEQ STATE Keyword EQL, NEQ Valid process state keyword. For more information, refer to the description of the $GETJPI service in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. STS Keyword EQL, NEQ Valid process status keyword. For more information, refer to the description of the $GETJPI service in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. TERMINAL String EQL, NEQ Terminal name or list of names. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. UIC String EQL, NEQ User identification code (UIC) identifier (that is, of the form "[group,member]"). USERNAME String EQL, NEQ User name or list of user names. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. selection-value Specifies the value of the selection criteria. For example, to process all the processes running on node MYVAX, specify "MYVAX" with the "NODENAME" keyword. For example: $ X = F$CONTEXT("PROCESS", ctx, "NODENAME", "MYVAX", "EQL") Values that are lists are valid with some selection items. If you specify more than one item, separate them with commas (,). The following example specifies a list of the nodes MYVAX, HERVAX, and HISVAX: $ X=F$CONTEXT("PROCESS",ctx,"NODENAME","MYVAX,HERVAX,HISVAX","EQL") You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters for some values. Using wildcard characters for selection items is similar to using wildcard characters for file names. value-qualifier Specifies qualifiers for selection values. You must qualify selection values. You can qualify a number, for example, by requesting that the selection be based on one of the following process values: o LSS - less than the value specified in the call to F$PID o LEQ - less than or equal to the value specified in the call to F$PID o GTR - greater than the value specified in the call to F$PID o GEQ - greater than or equal to the value specified in the call to F$PID o EQL - equal to the value specified in the call to F$PID o NEQ - not equal to the value specified in the call to F$PID You can qualify some lists with the ALL, ANY, EQL, or NEQ keywords. Such lists are usually masks such as the process privilege mask, which consists of the set of enabled privileges. o ALL - requires that all items in the list be true for a process o ANY - requests that any item in the list be part of the attributes of a process o EQL - requires the values to match exactly (that is, values not specified must not be true of the process) o NEQ - requires that the value must not match When using multiple selection values with a particular selection qualifier, a match on any one of the selection criteria is considered valid (as if an OR operand was in place); the selection values are not cumulative criteria (as if an AND operand was in place). The difference between ALL and EQL is that the values specified with ALL must exist, but other unspecified values can exist also. EQL requires that all values specified must exist, and all others may not. For example, to request those processes whose current privileges include TMPMBX (temporary mailbox) and OPER (operator), but may include other privileges, specify the ALL keyword. To request those processes whose current privileges are TMPMBX and OPER exclusively, specify the EQL keyword.