Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb LICENSE, Usage Summary *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
To use the License Management utility (LICENSE), enter a LICENSE command and subcommand at the DCL prompt ($). For example, you can enter short commands on one line: $ LICENSE LIST /FULL VAX-VMS/AUTHORIZATION=USA12345 Or you can enter long command strings followed by a hyphen (-) before pressing Return each time: $ LICENSE REGISTER FORTRAN /ISSUER=DEC /AUTHORIZATION=USA-1957 - _$ /PRODUCER=DEC /UNITS=1200 /VERSION=7.0 - _$ /AVAILABILITY=F /CHECKSUM=1-GEAD-MIDJ-IDNC-DLAC NOTE Enter the LICENSE commands carefully. LICENSE command strings can be long. If so, type a hyphen (-) at the end of a screen line to continue entering the same command. LMF may return only a checksum error when you omit or incorrectly enter information. Therefore, before you press Return, carefully check the characters you typed on each line. For most of the LICENSE commands, you can eliminate some typing by using the command procedure SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM All the LICENSE commands except LICENSE START, LICENSE LOAD, and LICENSE UNLOAD manipulate only the LMF databases. Thus, to enter most LICENSE commands, you need only the privileges required to access the License Databases. The License Database is file- based; normal file protection applies. LMF provides the License Database with a default file access of read and write privileges to system-level processes (S:RW). To enter the LICENSE START, LICENSE LOAD, and LICENSE UNLOAD commands, you need the privilege to change mode to kernel (CMKRNL) and to create system logical names (SYSNAM) and system privileges (SYSPRV). Some commands change license record fields in the License Database. LMF writes a history record when you use the following commands: LICENSE AMEND LICENSE CANCEL LICENSE COPY LICENSE DISABLE LICENSE ENABLE LICENSE ISSUE LICENSE MODIFY To display a listing of current and history records of licenses registered in the License Database, use LICENSE LIST. To display the licenses active on the current node, use the DCL command SHOW LICENSE. In some special circumstances, OpenVMS licenses are in a separate License Database located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]LMF$SYSTEM.LDB. Your LICENSE commands must identify this database with the /DATABASE qualifier. Many of the LICENSE commands can affect more than one license simultaneously. You can control which licenses a command affects by adding more than one product name in the product- name parameter, using the /ALL qualifier, or using the standard DCL wildcard characters (* and %) in your command strings. Using the wildcard character (*) in the product-name parameter implies the use of /ALL. Many of the qualifiers are positional, allowing further control for the management of large License Databases. With multiple parameters, positional qualifiers affect only the preceding parameter. A positional qualifier that precedes every parameter, however, affects them all equally.