Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


  Node Listing:

  GALAXY (08-00-2B-2C-51-28):
    MOP DLL: Load file:   APB.EXE
             Load root:   $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>
             Boot type:   Alpha satellite

  ZAPNOT (08-00-2B-18-7E-33):
    MOP DLL: Load file:   NISCS_LOAD.EXE
             Load root:   LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS10.>
             Boot type:   VAX satellite

  CALPAL (08-00-2B-08-9F-4C):
    MOP DLL: Load file:   READ_ADDR.SYS
             Last file:   LAN$DLL:APB_X5WN.SYS
             Boot type:   Other
             2 loads requested, 1 volunteered
             1 succeeded, 0 failed
             Last request was for a system image, in MOP V4 format
             Last load initiated 30-OCT-1994 09:11:17
                 on EXA0 for 00:00:06.65
             527665 bytes, 4161 packets, 0 transmit failures

  Unnamed (00-00-00-00-00-00):

    Requests received    2
    Requests volunteered 1
    Successful loads     1
    Failed loads         0
    Packets sent         2080
    Packets received     2081
    Bytes sent           523481
    Bytes received       4184
    Last load            CALPAL at 10-JUN-1998 09:11:17.29

      This example shows output from a LIST NODE command issued on
      a local node on which there are three nodes defined (GALAXY,
      ZAPNOT, and CALPAL). CALPAL has issued two load requests:

      o  The first request is the multicast request from CALPAL that
         the local node volunteered to accept.

      o  The second request is the load request sent directly to the
         local node by CALPAL for the actual load data. The elapsed
         time from the second load request to completion of the load
         was 6.65 seconds.
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