Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
Hints, Creating processes

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Create and switch control between user processes.
    (Also see Batch_and_print_jobs)

  Login             Initiates an interactive terminal session.
  LOGOUT            Terminates an interactive terminal session.
  SET PASSWORD      Changes your password.

  ANALYZE/PROCESS   Analyzes a process dump.
  ATTACH            Switches your terminal between SPAWNed processes.
  CONNECT           Connects a physical terminal to a virtual terminal.
  DISCONNECT        Disconnects a physical terminal from a virtual terminal.
  PRINT             Creates a print job.
  RUN/PROCESS       Creates a detached process or subprocess.
  SET HOST          Connects your terminal to another system via DECnet.
  SHOW NETWORK      Displays the nodes you can reach from your system.
  SPAWN             Creates a subprocess with a similar environment.
  SUBMIT            Creates a batch job.

  Type ? to display the list of HINTS.
  Type CREATING_PROCESSES to redisplay this particular hint.
  Press the RETURN key before typing a command or topic name.
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