Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
FORTRAN, Statements, OPEN

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  Opens an existing file or creates a new file.  If you do not
  explicitly open a file before accessing it, the file is created
  (for write operations) or opened with default attributes.

     OPEN (par[,par]...)

     par  Is a keyword specification in one of the
          following forms:


          keywd  Is a keyword.  (See the subtopic headings
                 listed at the end of this Help topic.)
          value  Is a keyword value. (Some keywords do not
                 have keyword values.)

  If an OPEN statement is executed for a unit that is already open,
  and the file specification is different from that of the current
  open file, the previously opened file is closed and the new file is
  opened.  If the file specification is the same for both files, the
  new value of the BLANK= specifier is in effect, but the position of
  the file is unaffected.

  Keyword specifications can appear in any order.  In most cases,
  they are optional.  Default values apply in their absence.  If the
  logical unit specifier is the first parameter in the list, the UNIT
  keyword is optional.

  You can specify character values at run time by substituting a
  general character expression for a keyword value in the OPEN
  statement.  The character value can contain trailing spaces but not
  leading or embedded spaces; for example:

     CHARACTER*6 FINAL /' '/
     IF (exp) FINAL = 'DELETE'

  NOTE:  Keyword values that are numeric expressions can be any
  integer or real expression.  The value of the expression is
  converted to integer data type before it is used in the OPEN

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