Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
FORTRAN, Statements, CLOSE

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  Closes a file.  Statement format:

     CLOSE ([UNIT=]u[,p][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

     u    Is an integer variable or constant specifying the
          logical unit number of the file, optionally prefaced
          by UNIT=.  UNIT= is required if unit is not the
          first I/O specifier.

     p    Is the disposition of the file after closing, prefaced
          by STATUS=, DISPOSE= or DISP=.  Dispositions are as follows:

          'KEEP'             Retains the file.
                               *DEFAULT FOR ALL BUT SCRATCH FILES*
          'SAVE'             Retains the file.
          'DELETE'           Deletes the file.
                               *DEFAULT FOR SCRATCH FILES*
          'PRINT'            Submits the file as a print job.
          'PRINT/DELETE'     Submits then deletes the file as a
                             print job.
          'SUBMIT'           Submits the file as a batch job.
          'SUBMIT/DELETE'    Submits then deletes the file as a
                             batch job.

      s    Is the label of an executable statement.

      ios  Is an integer scalar memory reference.  (Returns a
           zero if no error condition exists or a positive
           integer if an error condition exists.)

  The disposition specified in a CLOSE statement supersedes the
  disposition specified in the OPEN statement, except that a file
  opened as a scratch file cannot be saved, printed, or submitted,
  nor can a file opened for read-only access be deleted.
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