Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb FORTRAN, Statements, Assignment, Conversion Rules *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The following tables summarize the conversion rules for assignment statements. MS signifies the most significant (high-order) bit; LS signifies the least significant (low-order) bit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Variable | Expression (E) | |or Array |----------------------------------------------------- |Element |integer or logical | REAL | REAL*8 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | integer | Assign E to V | Truncate E to | Truncate E to | | or | | integer and | integer and | | logical | | assign to V | assign to V | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REAL | Append fraction | Assign E to V | Assign MS por- | | | (.0) to E and | | tion of E to V;| | | assign to V | | LS portion of E| | | | | is rounded | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REAL*8 | Append fraction | Assign E to MS| Assign E to V | | | (.0) to E and | portion of V; | | | | assign to V | LS portion of | | | | | V is 0 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REAL*16 | same as above | same as above | Assign E to MS | | | | | portion of V; | | | | | LS portion of V| | | | | is 0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | COMPLEX | Append fraction | Assign E to | Assign MS por- | | | (.0) to E and | real part of | tion of E to | | | assign to real | V; imaginary | real part of V;| | | part of V; imagin-| part of V is | LS portion of | | | ary part of V is | 0.0 | E is rounded; | | | 0.0 | | imaginary part | | | | | of V is 0.0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |COMPLEX*16| Append fraction | Assign E to MS | Assign E to | | | (.0) to E and | portion of | real part of | | | assign to V; | real part of V;| V; imaginary | | | imaginary part of| imaginary part | part is 0.0 | | | V is 0.0 | of V is 0.0 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- continued chart ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Variable | Expression (E) | |or Array |----------------------------------------------------- |Element | REAL*16 | COMPLEX | COMPLEX*16 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | integer | Truncate E | Truncate real | Truncate real part of| | or | to integer | part of E to | E to integer and | |logical | and assign | integer and | assign to V; imagin- | | | to V | assign to V; | ary part of E is not | | | | imaginary part| used | | | | is not used | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REAL | Assign MS | Assign real | Assign MS portion of | | | portion of E| part of E to | the real part of E to| | | to V; LS | V; imaginary | V; LS portion of the | | | portion of E| part of E is | real part of E is | | | is rounded | not used | rounded; imaginary | | | | | part of E is not used| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REAL*8 | same as | Assign real | Assign real part of E| | | above | part of E to | to V; imaginary part | | | | MS of V; LS | of E is not used | | | | portion of V | | | | | is 0; imagin- | | | | | ary part of E | | | | | is not used | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REAL*16 | Assign E to | same as above | Assign real part of E| | | V | | to MS portion of V; | | | | | LS portion of real | | | | | part of V is 0; imag-| | | | | inary part of E is | | | | | not used | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | COMPLEX | Assign MS | Assign E to V | Assign MS portion of | | | portion of E| | real part of E to | | | to real part| | real part of V; LS | | | of V; LS | | portion of real part | | | portion of E| | of E is rounded. | | | is rounded; | | Assign MS portion of | | | imaginary | | imaginary part of E | | | part of V is| | to imaginary part of | | | 0.0 | | V; LS portion of | | | | | imaginary part of E | | | | | is rounded | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |COMPLEX*16| same as | Assign real | Assign E to V | | | above | part of E to | | | | | MS portion of | | | | | real part of V;| | | | | LS portion of | | | | | real part is 0.| | | | | Assign imagin- | | | | | ary part of E | | | | | to MS portion | | | | | of imaginary | | | | | part of V; | | | | | LS portion of | | | | | imaginary part | | | | | is 0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------