Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb EXCHANGE, INITIALIZE, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ MOUNT/FOREIGN DLA2: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, mounted on DLA2 $ EXCHANGE EXCHANGE> INITIALIZE DLA2: %EXCHANGE-S-INITIALIZED, the RT-11 volume _DLA2: has been initialized The command in this example initializes the volume mounted on the RL02 drive DLA2. Since DLA2 is a block-addressable device mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier, RT-11 is the default format. EXCHANGE physically scans all blocks of the volume, builds a bad block replacement table, and displays a message indicating that it failed to turn up any bad blocks. 2.EXCHANGE> INITIALIZE MTA0:/DENSITY=1600 The command in this example initializes the DOS-11 magnetic tape volume loaded on MTA0. The density is specified as 1600 bpi; the default would have been 800 bpi for an MT drive. 3.EXCHANGE> INITIALIZE/CREATE/ALLOCATION=1000 VIRTUAL %EXCHANGE-S-INITIALIZED, the RT-11 volume DRB0:[LOGIN]VIRTUAL.DSK has been initialized The command in this example creates a virtual device with an allocation of 1000 blocks in the directory [LOGIN] on DRB0. EXCHANGE applies the default file type DSK.