Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb EDIT, /TPU, /COMMAND *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/COMMAND[=command-file] (default) /NOCOMMAND Determines the DECTPU command file you want to use, if any. A command file contains DECTPU procedures and executable statements to extend the editor. For example, you can use a command file to create additional EVE commands, define keys, or set attributes. You can also use a command file to set up a special text-processing environment for creating your own DECTPU application or for batch editing. You cannot use wildcards to specify the command file. You can specify only one command file at a time. Default file type is .TPU. There are three ways to specify the command file you want to use: o Name the command file TPU$COMMAND.TPU. By default, DECTPU looks for this command file in your current directory. Thus, you can have a different command file for each directory or subdirectory without having to specify the command file each time. o Define the TPU$COMMAND logical name to specify the command file. This lets you use that command file for all editing sessions--- including when you invoke DECTPU within MAIL or other utilities--- and lets you keep that file in any convenient directory or subdirectory. The logical name overrides the search for the TPU$COMMAND.TPU file. You can put the definition in your LOGIN.COM file. For example, the following commands define TPU$COMMAND as MYPROCS.TPU in your top-level, login directory and then invoke DECTPU using that command file: $ DEFINE TPU$COMMAND sys$login:myprocs $ EDIT/TPU o Use /COMMAND= and specify the command file on the command line. This overrides any definition of the TPU$COMMAND logical name and overrides the default search for the TPU$COMMAND.TPU file. For example, the following command invokes DECTPU, using a command file named MYPROCS.TPU in your current, default directory: $ EDIT/TPU /COMMAND=myprocs If the command file you specify either with /COMMAND or by defining TPU$COMMAND is not found, the editing session is aborted, returning you to the DCL level. If you do not want a command file executed, use /NOCOMMAND--- typically if you defined the TPU$COMMAND logical name or created a TPU$COMMAND.TPU file but do not want it used for a particular editing session. Also, /NOCOMMAND makes startup faster because DECTPU then does not search for a command file and does not have to compile and execute code at startup. At startup, DECTPU compiles and executes the command file, if one is being used, after loading a section file (if any) and before EVE executes an initialization file (if any). Thus, you can use a command file in conjunction with a section file and an initialization file. Procedures, settings, and key definitions in a command file override those in the section file. For more information about command files, see the DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual or use the online help in EVE and read the topic called Command Files. In EVE, you can create or update a command file by using the SAVE ATTRIBUTES command to save menu definitions for the DECwindows interface and most global settings ("attributes"). For more information, see the Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual or use the online help in EVE and read the topic called Attributes.