Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


   Displays all transaction records generated by the commands
   associated with the keywords you specify. The default is to list
   transaction records for all transactions in the Digital Test Manager
   library. The valid keyword values are as follows:

     Keyword   Meaning

     ALL       Displays all transactions recorded in the history file

     COPY      Displays all COPY commands

     CREATE    Displays all CREATE commands

     DELETE    Displays all DELETE commands

     INSERT    Displays all INSERT commands

     MODIFY    Displays all MODIFY commands

     RECORD    Displays all RECORD commands

     RECREATE  Displays all RECREATE commands

     REMARK    Displays all REMARK commands

     REMOVE    Displays all REMOVE commands

     REVIEW    Displays all REVIEW commands

     RUN       Displays all RUN commands

     SET       Displays all SET commands

     STOP      Displays all STOP commands

     SUBMIT    Displays all SUBMIT commands

     UPDATE    Displays all Review UPDATE commands

     VERIFY    Displays all VERIFY commands

   If you specify more than one command, you must enclose the list of
   commands in parentheses and separate them with commas.

   The /TRANSACTION qualifier directs Digital Test Manager to list
   transaction records only for the listed commands.

   The /NOTRANSACTION qualifier directs Digital Test Manager to list
   transaction records for all commands except the listed commands.
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