Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb DELETE, /ENTRY, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ PRINT/HOLD ALPHA.TXT Job ALPHA (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 110) holding . . . $ DELETE/ENTRY=110 SYS$PRINT The PRINT command in this example queues a copy of the file ALPHA.TXT in a HOLD status, to defer its printing until a SET ENTRY/RELEASE command is entered. The system displays the job name, the entry number, the name of the queue in which the job was entered, and the status. Later, the DELETE/ENTRY command requests that the entry be deleted from the queue SYS$PRINT. 2.$ SUBMIT/AFTER=18:00 WEATHER Job WEATHER (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 203) holding until 14-DEC-2001 18:00 $ SUBMIT/HOLD/PARAMETERS=SCANLINE DOFOR Job DOFOR (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 210) holding . . . $ DELETE/ENTRY=(203,210)/LOG %DELETE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for 203 -JBC-E-NOSUCHENT, no such entry %DELETE-I-DELETED, entry 210 aborting or deleted The SUBMIT commands in this example queue the command procedures WEATHER.COM and DOFOR.COM for processing as batch jobs. WEATHER.COM is queued for execution after 6:00 P.M. DOFOR.COM is queued in a HOLD status and cannot execute until you enter a SET ENTRY/RELEASE command. Later, the DELETE/ENTRY/LOG command requests that the system delete both these entries from the queue and display a message indicating that the entries have been deleted. The job WEATHER (entry 203) has completed by the time the DELETE/ENTRY/LOG command is entered; therefore, entry 203 no longer exists. Note that a message indicates that there is no entry 203 in the queue. The job DOFOR (entry 210) is in a HOLD status when the DELETE/ENTRY/LOG command is entered. Thus, the system deletes entry 210 from the queue and displays a message to that effect. 3.$ PRINT CHAPTER8.MEM Job CHAPTER8 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 25) pending on queue SYS$PRINT . . . $ SHOW QUEUE SYS$PRINT Printer queue SYS$PRINT, on PARROT::PARROT$LPA0, mounted form DEFAULT Entry Jobname Username Status ----- ------- -------- ------ 24 CHAPTER7 SMITH Pending 25 CHAPTER8 SMITH Pending $ DELETE/ENTRY=25 SYS$PRINT The PRINT command in this example submits the file CHAPTER8.MEM to the printer queue SYS$PRINT. Later, user SMITH needs to edit the file again before printing it. Using the SHOW QUEUE command, SMITH verifies that the job is still pending and that the entry number for the job is 25. SMITH then enters the DELETE/ENTRY command to delete the job from the queue.