Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    Equivalence-name qualifier.

    Specifies one or more attributes that modify an equivalence
    string of the logical name. Possible keywords are as follows:

    CONCEALED  Indicates that the equivalence string is the name of
               a concealed device. When a concealed device name is
               defined, the system displays the logical name, rather
               than the equivalence string, in messages that refer to
               the device.
    TERMINAL   Logical name translation should terminate with
               the current equivalence string; indicates that
               the equivalence string should not be translated

    If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses.
    Only the attributes you specify are set.

    Note that different equivalence strings of a logical name can
    have different translation attributes.
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