Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb DEFINE, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ DEFINE/USER_MODE TM1 $DISK1:[ACCOUNTS.MEMOS]WATER.TXT In this example, the DEFINE command defines TM1 as equivalent to a file specification. After the next image runs, the logical name TM1 is automatically deassigned. 2.$ DEFINE CHARLIE XXX1:[CHARLES] $ PRINT CHARLIE:TEST.DAT Job 274 entered on queue SYS$PRINT In this example, the DEFINE command associates the logical name CHARLIE with the directory name [CHARLES] on the disk XXX1. The PRINT command queues a copy of the file XXX1:[CHARLES]TEST.DAT to the system printer. 3.$ DEFINE PROCESS_NAME LIBRA $ RUN WAKE In this example, the DEFINE command places the logical name PROCESS_NAME in the process logical name table with an equivalence name of LIBRA. The logical name is created in supervisor mode. The program WAKE translates the logical name PROCESS_NAME to perform some special action on the process named LIBRA. 4.$ DEFINE TEMP: XXX1: . . . $ DEASSIGN TEMP:: In this example, the DEFINE command creates an equivalence name for the logical name TEMP: and places the name in the process logical name table. The colon is retained as part of the logical name. The DEASSIGN command deletes the logical name. Note that two colons are required on the logical name in the DEASSIGN command. One colon is deleted by the DEASSIGN command. The other colon is kept as part of the logical name. 5.$ DEFINE PORTLAND PRTLND::YYY0:[DECNET.DEMO.COM] In this example, the DEFINE command places the logical name PORTLAND in the process logical name table with an equivalence name of PRTLND::YYY0:[DECNET.DEMO.COM]. Subsequent references to the logical name PORTLAND result in the correspondence between the logical name PORTLAND and the node, disk, and subdirectory specified. 6.$ DEFINE LOCAL "BOSTON""JAY_SABLE JKS""::" In this example, the DEFINE command places the logical name LOCAL in the process logical name table with a remote node equivalence name of BOSTON"JAY_SABLE JKS"::. To satisfy conventions for local DCL command string processing, you must use three sets of quotation marks. The quotation marks ensure that access control information is enclosed in one set of quotation marks in the equivalence name. 7.$ DEFINE MYDISK XXX0:[MYDIR], YYY0:[TESTDIR] In this example, the DEFINE command places the logical name MYDISK in the process logical name table with two equivalence names: XXX0:[MYDIR] and YYY0:[TESTDIR]. 8.$ DEFINE/TABLE=LNM$CLUSTER_TABLE FIRENZE FIRENZE::FIESOLE:[ETRUSCAN] In this example, the DEFINE command equates FIRENZE to the directory specification FIRENZE::FIESOLE:[ETRUSCAN] and places both the new logical name (FIRENZE) and its equivalence string (FIRENZE::FIESOLE:[ETRUSCAN]) in the default clusterwide table. The new logical name is automatically propagated to all nodes in the cluster. 9.$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE TABLE1 $ DEFINE/TABLE=LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY LNM$FILE_DEV - _$ TABLE1,LNM$PROCESS,LNM$JOB,LNM$GROUP,LNM$SYSTEM $ DEFINE/TABLE=TABLE1 - _$ /TRANSLATION_ATTRIBUTES=CONCEALED WORK_DISK DKA1: In this example, the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command creates the process private logical name table TABLE1. The first DEFINE command ensures that TABLE1 is searched first in any logical name translation of a device or file specification (because TABLE1 is the first item in the equivalence string for the logical name LNM$FILE_DEV, which determines the default search sequence of logical name tables whenever a device or file specification is translated). The second DEFINE command assigns the logical name WORK_DISK to the physical device DKA1 and places the name in TABLE1. The logical name has the concealed attribute. Therefore, the logical name WORK_DISK is displayed in system messages. 10$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE SPECIAL $ DEFINE/TABLE=LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY LNM$FILE_DEV - _$ SPECIAL,LNM$PROCESS,LNM$JOB,LNM$GROUP,LNM$SYSTEM $ DEFINE/TABLE=LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY TAB SPECIAL $ DEFINE/TABLE=TAB REPORT [CHELSEA]STORES $ SHOW LOGICAL/TABLE=SPECIAL REPORT "REPORT" = "[CHELSEA]STORES" (SPECIAL) In this example, the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command is used to create a new logical name table called SPECIAL. This table is defined in the process directory, LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY. The first DEFINE command ensures that SPECIAL is searched first in any logical name translation of a device or file specification (because SPECIAL is the first item in the equivalence string for the logical name LNM$FILE_DEV, which determines the default search sequence of logical name tables whenever a device or file specification is translated). The logical name LNM$FILE_DEV is placed in the process directory, LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY. With the next DEFINE command, a new logical name, TAB, is defined. TAB translates to the string SPECIAL, which identifies a logical name table. You must define TAB in the process directory because it translates iteratively to a logical name table. Next, the logical name REPORT is placed into the logical name table TAB. Because TAB translates to the table SPECIAL, the name REPORT is entered into SPECIAL table. The SHOW LOGICAL command verifies that the name REPORT has been entered into the table SPECIAL. Note that you can redefine TAB so it translates to a different table. Therefore, if you run different programs that use the name TAB as a table name, you can change the actual tables where the names are entered or referenced.