Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DEFINE, /KEY, Parameters

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    Specifies the name of the key that you are defining. All
    definable keys on VT52 terminals are located on the numeric
    keypad. On VT100-series terminals, you can define the left and
    right arrow keys as well as all the keys on the numeric keypad.
    On terminals with LK201 keyboards, the following three types of
    keys can be defined:

    o  Keys on the numeric keypad

    o  Keys on the editing keypad (except the up and down arrow keys)

    o  Keys on the function key row across the top of the keyboard
       (except keys F1 to F5)

    The following table lists the key names in column one. The
    remaining three columns indicate the key designations on the
    keyboards of the three different types of terminals that allow
    key definitions.

    Key Name            LK201              VT100-Series  VT52

    PF1                 PF1                PF1           [blue]
    PF2                 PF2                PF2           [red]
    PF3                 PF3                PF3           [gray]
    PF4                 PF4                PF4           - -
    KP0, KP1, ..., KP9  0, 1, ..., 9       0, 1, ..., 9  0, 1, ..., 9
    Period              .                  .             .
    Comma               ,                  ,             n/a
    Minus               -                  -             n/a
    Enter               Enter              ENTER         ENTER
    Left                < -                < -           < -
    Right               - >                - >           - >
    Find (E1)           Find               -             -
    Insert Here (E2)    Insert Here        -             -
    Remove (E3)         Remove             -             -
    Select (E4)         Select             -             -
    Prev Screen (E5)    Prev Screen        -             -
    Next Screen (E6)    Next Screen        -             -
    Help                Help               -             -
    Do                  Do                 -             -
    F6, F7, ..., F20    F6, F7, ..., F20   -             -

    Some definable keys are enabled for definition all the time.
    Others, including KP0 to KP9, Period, Comma, and Minus, must be
    enabled for definition purposes. You must enter either the SET
    using these keys.

    On LK201 keyboards, you cannot define the up and down arrow keys
    or function keys F1 to F5. The left and right arrow keys and the
    F6 to F14 keys are reserved for command line editing. You must
    enter the SET TERMINAL/NOLINE_EDITING command before defining
    these keys. You can also press Ctrl/V to enable keys F7 to F14.
    Note that Ctrl/V will not enable the F6 key.


    Specifies the character string to be processed when you press
    the key. Enclose the string in quotation marks (" ")  to preserve
    spaces and lowercase characters.
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