Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DECnet-Plus, DCL Commands, DIRECTORY, Examples

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

        _$ HAVA::TEST.DAT <RET>

       First, this command displays the FTAM application address,
       AMIGUITA, and the file name \DIR\FILE\EXT. Next, this com-
       mand displays the FTAM application address, HAVA, and the file
       name TEST.DAT. The output would resemble the following:

          Directory AMIGUITA::


          Total of 1 file

          Directory HAVA::


          Total of 1 file


       This command produces a full directory display for the remote
       file HAVA::TEST.DAT. The full directory display for such a
       remote file would resemble the following:

          Directory HAVA::

          TEST.DAT                      File ID:  None
          Size:           11/12         Owner:    <Unknown>
          Created:   <None specified>   Revised:  30-JAN-1988 9:41
          Expires:   <None specified>   Backup:    <No backup done>
          File organization:  Sequential
          File attributes:    Allocation: 12, Extend: 0, Global
          buffer count: 0
                              No version limit
          Record format:      Undefined
          Record attributes:  None
          Journaling enabled: None
          File protection:    System: , Owner: , Group: , World:
          Access Cntrl List:  None

          Total of 1 file, 11/12 blocks.
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