Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DCE_THREADS, Thread Intro

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


      intro - Introduction to DCE Threads


  DCE Threads are a set of routines that you can call to create a multi-
  threaded program.  Multithreading is used to improve the performance
  of a program.  Routines implemented by DCE Threads that are not speci-
  fied by Draft 4 of the POSIX 1003.4a standard are indicated by an _np
  suffix on the name.  These routines are not portable.

  The pthread interface routines are grouped in the following functional

     +  General threads routines

     +  Thread attributes object routines

     +  Thread cancelation routines

     +  Thread priority, concurrency, and scheduling routines

     +  Thread-specific data routines

     +  Mutex routines

     +  Mutex attributes object routines

     +  Condition variable routines

     +  Condition variable attribute object routines

  DECthreads also provides routines that implement nonportable extensions
  to the POSIX 1003.1c standard.  These routines are grouped into these
  functional categories:

     +  Thread execution routines

     +  Thread attributes routines

     +  DECthreads global mutex routines

     +  Mutex attributes routines

     +  Condition variable routines

     +  DECthreads exception object routines

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