Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DCE_THREADS, Application Routines, pthread_join

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


      pthread_join - Causes the calling thread to wait for the
                     termination of a specified thread


      #include <pthread.h>

      int pthread_join( pthread_t      thread,
                        pthread_addr_t *status );


      thread                Thread whose termination is awaited by the
                            caller of this routine.

      status                Status value of the terminating thread when
                            that thread calls pthread_exit().


  The pthread_join()  routine causes the calling thread to wait for the
  termination of a specified thread. A call to this routine returns after
  the specified thread has terminated.

  Any number of threads can call this routine. All threads are awakened
  when the specified thread terminates.

  If the current thread calls this routine, a deadlock results.

  The results of this routine are unpredictable if the value for thread
  refers to a thread object that no longer exists.


  If the thread terminates normally, the exit status is the value that is
  is optionally returned from the thread's start routine.

  If the function fails, errno may be set to one of the following values:

    Return   Error       Description
     0                   Successful completion.

    -1      [EINVAL]     The value specified by thread is invalid.

    -1      [ESRCH]      The value specified by thread does not
                         refer to a currently existing thread.

    -1      [EDEADLK]    A deadlock is detected.


      FUNCTIONS: pthread_create
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