Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb DCE_THREADS, Application Routines, pthread_attr_setprio *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
NAME pthread_attr_setprio - Changes the scheduling priority attribute of thread creation SYNOPSIS #include <pthread.h> int pthread_attr_setprio( pthread_attr_t *attr, int priority ); PARAMETERS attr Thread attributes object modified. priority New value for the priority attribute. The priority attribute depends on scheduling policy. Valid values fall within one of the following ranges: o PRI_OTHER_MIN <= priority <= PRI_OTHER_MAX (use with the SCHED_OTHER policy) o PRI_FIFO_MIN <= priority <= PRI_FIFO_MAX (use with the SCHED_FIFO policy) o PRI_RR_MIN <= priority <= PRI_RR_MAX (use with the SCHED_RR policy) o PRI_FG_MIN_NP <= priority <= PRI_FG_MAX_NP (use with the SCHED_FG_NP policy) o PRI_BG_MIN_NP <= priority <= PRI_BG_MAX_NP (use with the SCHED_BG_NP policy) The default priority is the midpoint between PRI_OTHER_MIN and PRI_OTHER_MAX. To specify a minimum or maximum priority, use the appropriate symbol; for example, PRI_FIFO_MIN or PRI_FIFO_MAX. To specify a value between the minimum and maximum, use an appropriate arithmetic expression. For example, to specify a priority midway between the minimum and maximum for the Round Robin scheduling policy, specify the following concept using your programming language's syntax: pri_rr_mid = (PRI_RR_MIN + PRI_RR_MAX)/2 If your expression results in a value outside the range of minimum to maximum, an error results when you attempt to use it. DESCRIPTION The pthread_attr_setprio() routine sets the execution priority of threads that are created using the attributes object specified by the attr parameter. By default, a created thread inherits the priority of the thread calling pthread_create(). To specify a priority using this routine, scheduling inheritance must be disabled at the time the thread is created. Before calling this routine and pthread_create(), call pthread_attr_setinheritsched() and specify the value PTHREAD_DEFAULT_SCHED for the inherit parameter. An application specifies priority only to express the urgency of execut- ing the thread relative to other threads. Priority is not used to con- trol mutual exclusion when accessing shared data. RETURN VALUES If the function fails, errno may be set to one of the following values: Return Error Description ___________________________________________________________ 0 Successful completion. -1 [EINVAL] The value specified by attr is invalid. -1 [ERANGE] One or more parameters supplied have an invalid value. -1 [EPERM] The caller does not have the appropriate privileges to set the priority of the specified thread. RELATED INFORMATION FUNCTIONS: pthread_attr_create pthread_attr_getprio pthread_attr_setinheritsched pthread_create