Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DCE_SECURITY, Admin Intro, sec_admin

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

   sec_admin - Registry replica administration tool


   sec_admin  [-site name] [-nq]


   -site name
             The -site option causes sec_admin to bind to the replica
             specified by the name argument.  If the option is not
             supplied, sec_admin binds randomly to any replica in the
             local cell.  The name argument can be:

               +  A specific cell_name (or /.: for the local cell) to
                  bind to any replica in the named cell.

               +  The global name of a replica to bind to that specific
                  replica in that specific cell.

               +  The name of a replica as it appears on the replica list
                  to bind to that replica in the local cell.

               +  A string binding to a specific replica.  An example of a
                  string binding is ncadg_ip_udp: This form
                  is used primarily for debugging or if the Cell Directory
                  Service is not available.

   -nq       The -nq flag turns off queries initiated by certain sec_admin
             subcommands before they perform a specified operation. For
             example the delrep subcommand deletes a registry replica.
             Before sec_admin performs the deletion, it prompts for verifi-
             cation.  If you invoke sec_admin with the -nq option, the
             subcommand performs the deletion without prompting.

   With the exception of the following subcommands, this command is
   replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command.  This command may be
   fully replaced by the dcecp command in a future release of DCE, and
   may no longer be supported at that time.

     +  monitor

     +  exit

     +  help

     +  quit


   The registry database is replicated: each instance of a registry server,
   secd, maintains a working copy of the database in virtual memory and on
   disk. One server, called the master replica, accepts updates and handles
   the subsequent propagation of changes to all other replicas. All other
   replicas are  slave replicas, which accept only queries. Each cell has
   one master replica and numerous slave replicas.

   Using the sec_admin command you can:

     +  View a list of replicas

     +  Delete a replica

     +  Reinitialize a replica

     +  Stop a replica

     +  Put the master replica into and out of the maintenance state

     +  Generate a new master key used to encrypt principal keys

     +  Turn the master registry into a slave registry and a slave registry
        into the master registry..

   Note that sec_admin cannot add, delete, or modify information in the
   database, such as names and accounts.  Use rgy_edit to modify registry
   database entries.


   Most sec_admin commands are directed to a default replica.  When
   sec_admin is invoked, it automatically binds to a replica in the local
   cell.  This replica becomes the default replica.

  Identifying the Default Replica and the Default Cell

   You use the site subcommand to change the default replica and,
   optionally, the default cell. When you use the site command, you can
   supply the name of a specific replica, or you can simply supply the
   name of a cell. If you supply a cell name, sec_admin binds to a
   replica in that cell randomly.  If you supply a specific replica name,
   sec_admin binds to that replica.

   Specifically, you can supply any of the following names to the site

     +  A cell name.  If you enter a cell name, the named cell becomes the
        default cell.  The sec_admin command randomly chooses a replica to
        bind to in the named cell, and that replica becomes the default

     +  The global name given to the replica when it was created.  A global
        name identifies a specific replica in a specific cell.  That cell
        becomes the default cell and that replica the default replica.

     +  The replica's name as it appears on the replica list (a list main-
        tained by each Security Server containing the network addresses of
        each replica in the local cell).  That replica becomes the default
        replica and the cell in which the replica exists becomes the
        default cell.

     +  The network address of the host on which the replica is running.
        The replica on that host becomes the default replica, and the cell
        in which the host exists becomes the default cell.

  Naming the Default Replica

   As an example, assume a replica named subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2:

   +  Exists in the local cell /.../

   +  Has a global name of /.../

   +  Is named subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2 on the replica list

   +  Runs on a host whose ip network address is

   This replica can then be identified to the site subcommand in any of the
   following ways:

   +  /.../ - The replica's full
      global name.

   +  subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2 - The replica's cell-relative name on
      the replica list.

   +  ncadg_ip_udp:  - The network address of the host on
      which the replica runs.

  Naming the Default Cell

   When a default replica is identified specifically, its cell becomes the
   default cell.  In the example in "Naming the Default Replica" above, the
   default cell is /.../

   You can specify simply a cell name to the site subcommand. When this is
   done, any replica in that cell is selected as the default replica.

   For example, assume




   are replicas in the cell /.../

   If you type

        site /.../



   becomes the default cell and either




   becomes the default replica.


   Some of the sec_admin subcommands can act only on the master registry
   and thus require binding to the master registry. If you execute a sub-
   command that acts only on the master and the master is not the default
   replica, sec_admin attempts to bind to the master replica in the
   current default cell automatically.  If this attempt is successful,
   sec_admin displays a warning message informing you that the default
   replica has been changed to the master registry.  The master registry
   will then remain the default replica until you change it with the site
   subcommand.  If the attempt to bind is not successful, sec_admin
   displays an error message, and the subcommand fails.

 INVOKING sec_admin

   When you invoke sec_admin, it displays the current default replica's
   full global name and the cell in which the replica exists. Then it
   displays the sec_admin> prompt.

        $ sec_admin
             Default replica: /.../
             Default cell: /.../

   At the sec_admin> prompt, you can enter any of the sec_admin

   The subcommand descriptions that follow use default_replica to indicate
   the default replica and other_replica to indicate a replica other than
   the default. other_replica must identify a replica in the default cell.
   It is specified by its name on the cell's replica list (that is, by its
   cell-relative name).  Use the lrep subcommand to view the default cell's
   replica list.

   become [ -master ] [ -slave ]
             The -master option makes the current default replica (which
             must be a slave) the master replica.
             The -slave option makes the current default replica (which
             must be the master) a slave replica.
             This method of changing to master or slave can cause updates
             to be lost. The change_master subcommand is the preferred
             means of designating a different master replica.  However,
             you may find the become -master command useful if the master
             server is irrevocably damaged and you are unable to use

   change_master -to other_replica
             Make the replica specified by other_replica the master
             replica.  To perform this operation, other_replica must be
             a slave, and the current default replica must be the master.
             If the current default replica is not the master, sec_admin
             attempts to bind to the master.

             If the change operation is successful, the current master:

             1.  Applies all updates to other_replica

             2.  Becomes a slave

             3.  Tells other_replica to become the master

   delr[ep] other_replica [-force ]
             Delete the registry replica identified by other_replica. To
             perform this operation, the current default replica must be
             the master. If it is not, sec_admin attempts to bind to the

             If the delete operation is successful, the master:

             1.  Marks other_replica as deleted

             2.  Propagates the deletion to all replicas on its replica

             3.  Delivers the delete request to other_replica

             4.  Removes other_replica from its replica list

   The -force option causes a more drastic deletion. It causes the master
   to first delete other_replica from its replica list and then to
   propagate the deletion to the replicas that remain on its list.  Since
   this operation never communicates with the deleted replica, you should
   use -force only when the replica has died irrecoverably.  If you use
   -force while other_replica is still running, you should then use the
   destroy subcommand to eliminate the deleted replica.

   h[elp] [command]
             Lists the sec_admin subcommands and shows their allowed
             abbreviations.  If command is specified, displays help for
             the specified command.

   info [-full]
             Displays status information about the default replica.
             The info subcommand contacts the default replica to obtain the
             appropriate information. If this information is not available,
             info prints the replica name and a message stating the
             information is not available.

             Without the -full option, info displays:

             +  The default replica's name and the name of the cell in
                which the replica exists

             +  Whether the replica is a master or a slave

             +  The date and time the replica was last updated and the
                update sequence number

             +  An indication of the replica's state, as follows:

                -  Bad State - The state of the replica prohibits the
                   requested operation.

                -  Uninitialized - The database is a stub database that
                   has not been initialized by the master replica or
                   another up-to-date replica

                -  Initializing - The replica is in the process of being
                   initialized by the master replica or another up-to-date

                -  In Service - The replica is available for queries and
                   propagation updates if it is a slave replica or queries
                   and updates if it is the master replica

                -  Copying Database - The replica is in the process of
                   initializing (copying its database to) another replica

                -  Saving Database - The replica is in the process of
                   saving its database to disk.

                -  In Maintenance - The replica is unavailable for updates
                   but will accept queries

                -  Changing Master Key - The replica is in the process of
                   having its master key changed

                -  Becoming Master- The replica is in the process of
                   becoming the master replica (applicable to slave
                   replicas only)

                -  Becoming Slave- The master replica is in the process
                   of becoming a slave replica (applicable to the master
                   replicas only)

                -  Closed - The replica is in the process of stopping

                -  Deleted - The replica is in the process of deleting

                -  Duplicate Master - The replica a duplicate master and
                   should be deleted.

             The master replica is available for queries when it is in the
             in-service, copying-database, in-maintenance, master-key-
             changing and becoming-slave states.  It is available for
             updates only when it is in the in-service state.

             A slave replica is available for queries when it is in the in-
             service, copying-database, master-key-changing and becoming-
             master states.  It accepts updates from the master replica
             only when it is in the in-service state. It accepts a request
             from the master replica to initialize only when it is in the
             uninitialized or in-service state.

   The -full option displays all the above information and the following

               +  The default replica's unique identifier

               +  The replica's network addresses

               +  The unique identifier of the cell's master replica

               +  The network addresses of the cell's master replica

               +  The master sequence number, which is the sequence number
                  of the event that made the replica the master

               +  If the replica is the master replica, the update sequence
                  numbers that are still in the propagation queue and have
                  yet to be propagated

               +  The DCE software version number.

   initr[ep] other_replica
             Reinitializes a replica by copying an up-to-date database to
             The master replica initiates and guides the operation. If the
             operation is successful

              1.  The master replica

                   a.  Marks other_replica for reinitialization

                   b.  Tells other_replica to reinitialize itself

                   c.  Gives other_replica a list of replicas with
                       up-to-date databases

              2.  The other_replica picks a replica from the list and asks
                  that replica to initialize it (that is, to copy its data-
                  base to other_replica)

   To perform this operation, other_replica must be a slave, and the
   current default replica must be the master. If the current default
   replica is not the master, sec_admin attempts to bind to the master.
   This subcommand is generally not used under normal conditions.

   lr[ep] [-s[tate]] [-u[uid]] [-a[ddr]] [-p[rop]] [-al[l]]
             Lists the replicas on the default replica's replica list.
             If you enter no options, the display includes the replica name
             and whether or not it is the master replica. In addition if
             the master replica's list is being displayed, slave replicas
             marked for deletion are noted.  With options, the display
             includes this information and the information described in the
             following paragraphs.

             The -state option shows each replica's current state, the date
             and time the replica was last updated, and the update sequence
             number. To obtain this information, lrep contacts each
             replica.  If this information is not available from the
             replica, lrep prints the replica name and a message stating
             the information is not available.

             The -addr option shows each replica's network addresses.

             The -uuid option shows each replica's unique identifier.

             The -prop option shows:

             +  The date and time of the last update the master sent to
                each slave replica

             +  The sequence number of the last update to each slave

             +  The number of updates not yet applied to each slave replica

             +  The status of the master replica's last communication with
                each slave replica

             +  The propagation state of each slave replica.  This state,
                illustrates how the master replica views the slave replica,
                can be any of the following:

                -  Bad State-The state of the replica prohibits the
                   requested operation.

                -  Marked for Initialization-The replica has been marked
                   for deletion by the master replica.

                -  Initialized-The replica has been marked for initializa-
                   tion by the master replica.

                -  Initializing-The replica is in the process of being ini-
                   tialized by the master replica.

                -  Ready for Updates-The replica has been initialized by
                   the master replica and in now available for propagation
                   updates from the master replica.

                -  Marked for Deletion-The replica has been marked for
                   deletion by the master replica.

   This information is obtained from the master replica; the slave replicas
   are not contacted for this information.

   The -prop option is valid only for the master.
   For slave replicas, the -all option shows all the information above
   except that displayed by the -prop option. For the master replica, the
   -all option shows all the information.

             Generates a new master key for the default replica and re-
             encrypts account keys using the new key.  The new master key
             is randomly generated.

             Each replica (master and slaves) maintains its own master key
             used to access the data in its copy of the database.

   monitor [-r m]
             Periodically list the registry replicas stored in the current
             default replica's replica list. The list includes each
             replica's current state, the date and time the replica was
             last updated and the update sequence number. Note that this
             is the same information as that displayed by the info sub-
             command with no options.  The monitor subcommand contacts
             each replica to obtain the information it displays. If this
             information is not available from the replica, monitor prints
             the replica name and a message stating the information is not

             The -r option causes the replicas to be listed at intervals
             you specify.  m is a number of minutes between intervals. The
             default is 15 minutes.

   destroy default_replica
             Destroy the current default replica. To perform this
             operation, the current default replica and the default
             replica you name as default_replica must be the same.  This
             is to confirm your desire to perform the deletion.

             If the operation is successful, the default replica deletes
             its copy of the registry database and stops running.  This
             subcommand does not delete default_replica from the replica
             lists.  Use the delrep -force subcommand to delete the replica
             from the other replica lists.

             The preferred way to delete replicas is to use the delrep
             subcommand.  However, the destroy subcommand can be used if
             delrep is unusable because the master is unreachable or the
             replica is not on the master's replica list.

   site [name [-u[pdate]]]
             Set or display the default cell and the default replica.
             The name argument identifies the replica to set as the default
             replica and, as a consequence, the default cell.  It can be:

             +  A specific cell_name (or /.: for the local cell) to make
                any replica in the named cell the default.

             +  The global name of a replica to make the specified replica
                in the specified cell the default.

             +  The name of a replica as it appears on the replica list to
                make the named replica (which exists in the default cell)
                the default replica.

             +  A string binding to a specific replica.  An example of a
                string binding is ncadg_ip_udp: This form is
                used primarily for debugging or if the Cell Directory
                Service is not available.

   The -u option specifies that sec_admin should find the master replica.
   Normally you specify the name of a cell for name in conjunction with
   the -u option.  In this case sec_admin finds the master replica in that
   cell. If you use a replica name for name, sec_admin queries the named
   replica to find the master replica in the named replica's cell.

   If you supply no arguments, sec_admin displays the current default
   replica and default cell.

   stop      Stops the Security Server (secd) associated with the default

   sta[te] -maintenance | -service
             Puts the master replica into maintenance state or takes it out
             of maintenance state. This subcommand is useful for performing
             backups of the registry database.

             If the current default replica is not the master, sec_admin
             attempts to bind to the master.

             The -maintenance flag causes the master replica to save its
             database to disk and refuse any updates.

             The -service flag causes the master replica to return to its
             normal "in service" state and start accepting updates.

   e[xit] or q[uit]
             The quit and exit subcommands end the sec_admin session.


    1.  The following example, invokes sec_admin and uses the lrep sub-
        command to list replicas on the replica list and their states:

        $ r sys$system:dce$sec_admin
        Default replica: /.../
        Default cell: /.../
        sec_admin> lrep  -st
        Replicas in cell /.../
        (master) subsys/dce/sec/master
                       state: in service
                       Last update received at:  1993/11/16.12:46:59
                       Last update's seqno:  0.3bc
                       state: in service
                       Last update received at:  1993/11/16.12:46:59
                       Last update's seqno:  0.3bc
                       state: in service
                       Last update received at:  1993/11/16.12:46:59
                       Last update's seqno:  0.3bc

    2.  The following example, sets the default replica to the master in
        the local cell:
             sec_admin> site  /.:  -u
             Default replica: /.../
             Default cell: /.../
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