Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DCE_SECURITY, Admin Intro, rgy_edit, account_commands, cell

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

   ce[ll] cellname [-ul unix_num] [-uf unix_num] [-gl gname]
                   [-ol oname] [-gf gname] [-of oname] [-mp passwd]
                   [-fa name] [-fp passwd] [-q quota]
                   [-x account_expiration_date | none]

   Creates a cross-cell authentication account in the local and foreign

   This account allows local principals to access objects in the
   foreign cell as authenticated users and vice versa. The admin-
   istrator in the foreign cell must have also set up a standard
   account, whose ID and password the administrator of the foreign
   cell must supply to you.

   The cellname variable specifies the full pathname of the foreign
   cell with which you will establish the cross-cell authentication
   account. This name is stripped of the path qualifier and prefixed
   with "krbtgt." The resulting name is used as the primary name for
   the cross-cell authentication account.  For example, if you enter
   /.../, the principal name is krbtgt/

   The -ul option specifies the UNIX number for the local cell's
   principal.  The -uf option specifies the UNIX number for the
   foreign cell's principal.  If you do not specify these UNIX
   numbers, they are generated automatically.

   The -gl and -ol options specify the local account's group and
   organization.  The -gf and -of options specify the foreign
   account's group and organization.

   The -mp option specifies the password of the person who invoked

   The -fa option specifies the name identifying the account in the
   foreign cell, and the -fp option specifies the account's password.

   The -q option specifies the total number of objects that can be
   created in your cell's registry by all foreign users who use the
   cross-cell authentication account to access your cell.  The object
   creation quota defaults to 0 (zero), meaning that principals in the
   foreign cell cannot create objects in the local cell. The object
   creation quota set for your cell's account in the foreign cell
   places the same restriction on the number of objects that your
   cell's principals can create in the foreign cell's registry.

   The -x option specifies the account expiration date for both the
   local and foreign accounts. The default for this option is "none."

   Note that the object creation quota for the local account defaults
   to 0 (zero), meaning that principals in the foreign cell cannot
   create objects in the local cell. You can change this with the
   rgy_edit change subcommand.
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