Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
DCE_RPC, rpccp, ARGUMENTS, import

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

   import  - Imports binding information and an object UUID from a
             server entry


   rpccp import starting-entry-name -i if-id [-v versions] [-e]
                [-n [integer]] [-o object-uuid] [-s  syntax] [-u]


   -i        Defines an interface identifier to be imported (required).
             You can import only one interface at a time.  The value has
             the following form:

             interface-uuid,major-version.minor-version The UUID is a
             hexadecimal string and the version numbers are decimal
             strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -v        Indicates how a specified interface version is used
             (optional).  If it is used without the -i option, the
             -v option is ignored.  The possible combinations of
             versions for the -v option and their actions are as

                 Versions     Action
                 all          The interface version is ignored.

                 exact        Both the major and minor versions
                              must match the specified versions.

                 compatible   The major version must match the
                              specified version, and the minor
                              version must be greater than or
                              equal to the specified version.

                 major_only   The major version must match the
                              specified version; the minor ver-
                              sion is ignored.

                 upto         The major version must be less than
                              or equal to that specified.  If the
                              major versions are equal, the minor
                              version must be less than or equal
                              to that specified.

             If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible
             version numbers.

   -e        Shows the name of the entry where the binding is found

   -n        Declares that the import operation is to continue until no
             more potential bindings are found (optional).  Providing
             a numeric value to this option restricts the number of
             imported bindings.  If you omit the number, only one
             binding is imported.  If repeated, this operation may
             return the same binding.  For example, -n imports all
             available bindings, and -n 5 imports up to five bindings.
             Note that the imported bindings are displayed as string

   -o        Declares the UUID of an object to be imported (optional).
             Only one UUID can occur in a single operation.

             If an object is specified, the import operation limits its
             search to server entries that contain both the specified
             interface identifier and object UUID when searching for a
             potential binding.  Without the -o option, the import
             operation ignores object UUIDs.  The UUID is a hexadecimal
             string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.

   -u        Updates the local CDS cache copy of name service data
             (optional).  Name service data is cached locally on each
             machine in a cell.  If an rpccp inquiry can be satisfied
             by data in the local CDS cache, this cached data is
             returned.  Locally cached copies of name service data
             might not include a recent CDS update, however.  If the
             required data is not available in the local CDS cache,
             rpccp goes to a CDS server(s) to retrieve the required
             data.  rpccp then updates the local CDS cache.  Using the
             -u option bypasses the local cache, allowing rpccp to go
             directly to a CDS server for the inquiry.  rpccp then
             updates the local CDS cache.


             Indicates the name of the server entry where the import
             operation starts.  For an entry in the local cell, you
             can omit the cell name and specify only the cell-relative


   The import command imports binding information and an RPC object UUID
   for a specific RPC interface from a server entry.  The name of the
   entry and the interface identifier are required.  The entry name can
   refer to a server entry, a group, or a profile.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the specified CDS object entry (the
   starting name service entry) and to any CDS object entry in the
   resulting search path.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and import an interface and object:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp>  import -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1 \
        > -o 30dbeea0-fb6c-11c9-8eea-08002b0f4528  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3

   Commands: export
             show server
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