Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb DCE_RPC, idl, ARGUMENTS, -cepv *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
-cepv Generates local routines in the client stub file (<filename>_cstub.c) and defines a Client Entry Point Vector (CEPV) of the name if_name_vmajor-version_minor-version_c_epv where if_name is the interface name. The CEPV contains the addresses of the local routines. The client code must call the routines indirectly by using the addresses in the CEPV; otherwise, the stub routines in the client stub file must have the same names as the operations in the IDL file. (For information on registering the server, see the intro and rpc_server_register_if reference pages. See the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.)