Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb DCE_DTS, dtscp_commands, show *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
NAME show - Displays current information about the DTS entity SYNOPSIS dtscp show attribute-group | attribute-name ARGUMENTS attribute-group The name of an attribute group or individual attribute to be displayed. The following values are valid: + all + all characteristics + all counters + all status + global servers + local servers attribute-name The name of a specific attribute from the characteristics, counters, or status group. The attribute specifiers global servers and local servers do not contain any other attributes. DESCRIPTION The show command displays the names and values of the specified attributes or attribute groups. For attribute groups, if you do not supply a group name with the all argument, all characteristics and their values are displayed. The following sections list names of individual attributes, categorized by group. Note that the attributes displayed by the show command might be different, depending upon whether you have requested information about a server or a clerk. Characteristics Characteristic arguments can contain a maximum of 80 characters and are recalculated to a normalized date format. For example: Input value: 0-0025:10:99.99999999 Result: 1-01:11:39.990 acting courier role Specifies whether a backup courier is currently functioning as a courier. If the role is noncourier, the node is not attempting to synchronize with global servers. This characteristic is shown only for servers. Default: noncourier Value: courier or noncourier automatic tdf change Specifies whether automatic changes to the time differential factor are enabled or disabled; the value is determined by the operating system. Default: true Value: true/false check interval Specifies the amount of time between checks for faulty servers. Applicable only to servers that have external time providers. This characteristic is shown only for servers. Default: 0-01:30:00.00 Value: 0-00:00:30.000 - 10675199-02:48:05.478 clock adjustment rate Specifies the rate at which the DTS server or clerk entity adjusts the node's clock during a synchronization. clock resolution Specifies the amount of time between system clock ticks. The value is determined by the operating system. courier role Specifies a server's interaction with the set of global servers. This characteristic is shown only for servers. backup courier The local server becomes a courier if none are available on the LAN. courier The local server synchronizes with the global set of servers. noncourier The local server does not synchronize with the global set of servers. Default: noncourier DTS version Specifies the DTS software version installed on the node. epoch number Specifies the server's epoch number. The change command modifies this characteristic. This characteristic is shown only for servers. Default: 0 Value: 0-255 error tolerance Specifies the maximum separation allowed between the local clock and the computed time before synchronizations become abrupt rather than gradual (monotonic). Default: 0-00:10:00.000 Value: 0-00:00:00.500 - 10675199-02:48:05.478 global set timeout Specifies the amount of time the node waits for a response to a WAN synchronization request before sending another request or declaring a global server to be unavailable. The number of attempts made to reach the server is controlled by the query attemps characteristic. Default: 0-00:00:15.000 Value: 0-00:00:00.000 - 0-00:10:00.000 local set timeout Specifies the amount of time the node waits for a response to a synchronization request before sending another request or declaring a server to be unavailable. The number of attempts made to reach the server is controlled by the query attemps characteristic. Default: 0-00:00:05.000 Value: 0-00:00:00.000 - 0-00:10:00.000 local time differential factor Specifies the Time Differential Factor (TDF), which is the amount of time the server varies from Greenwich mean time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Default: 0-00:00:00.000 Value: -13-00:00:00 - 13-00:00:00 maximum clock drift rate Specifies the worst-case drift rate of the node's clock, in nanoseconds per second, as determined by the manufacturer's specifications. maximum inaccuracy Specifies the inaccuracy limit for the node. When the node exceeds the maximum inaccuracy setting, it attempts to synchronize. Default: 0-00:00:00.100 Value: 0-00:00:00.0 - 10675199-02:48:05.478 next tdf change Specifies the future time at which the time differential factor is automatically changed. The value is determined by the operating system. query attempts Specifies the number of attempts that a node makes to contact a server before the node considers the server unavailable. Default: 3 Value: 1-10 server entry name Specifies a server's ACL entry name; <hostname> represents the name of the system or node that is the server's client. The default setting is the recommended value. This characteristic is shown only for servers. Default: /.:/hosts/<hostname>/dts-entity server group name Specifies the security group name for the time servers within the cell. Default: /.:/subsys/dce/dts-servers server principal name Specifies a server's principal name for authentication purposes; <hostname> represents the name of the system or node that is the server's client. The default setting is the recommended value. This characteristic is shown only for servers. Default: /.:/hosts/<hostname>/self servers required Specifies the minimum number of servers required for a synchronization. Settings of 1 or 2 may cause unreliable computed times. Default: 3 Value: 1-10 synchronization hold down Specifies the interval a node must wait to synchronize. Also specifies synchronization frequency when a node reaches the value specified by the maximum inaccuracy characteristic. Clerks: Default: 0-00:10:00.0 Value: 0-00:00:30.0 - 01 00:00:00.00 Servers: Default: 0-00:02.00.0 Value: 0-00:00:30.0 - 01 00:00:00.00 time provider present Specifies whether or not the entity used an external time provider at the last successful synchronization. This attribute applies to servers only. time representation version Specifies the timestamp format used by the node. type Specifies whether the node is a DTS server or clerk. The create command modifies this characteristic. Counters clock settings Specifies the number of times the node clock has been set nonmonotonically (abruptly). creation time Specifies the time at which the DTS entity was created and the counters were initialized. different epochs detected Specifies the number of times the node received time response messages from servers or clerks that had epoch numbers different from its own. This counter is shown only for servers. disable directives completed Specifies the number of times the DTS has been disabled. enable directives completed Specifies the number of times the DTS has been enabled. epoch changes completed Specifies the number of times the server's epoch has changed. insufficient resources detected Specifies the number of times the node has been unable to allocate virtual memory. local servers not in group Specifies the number of times that a local server was contacted, but it was not in the dts security group. local times not intersecting Specifies the number of times the node's time interval failed to intersect with the computed interval of the servers. no global servers detected Specifies the number of times the courier server could not contact any global servers. This counter is shown only for servers. protocol mismatches detected Specifies the number of times the local node failed to process a received message containing an incompatible protocol version. servers not in group Specifies the number of times that a non-local server was contacted, but it was not in the dts security group. This counter is shown only for servers. servers not responding Specifies the number of times the courier server could not contact a specific global server. This counter is shown only for servers. servers times not intersecting Specifies the number of times a server has detected faulty servers (other than itself). This counter is shown only for servers. synchronizations completed Specifies the number of times the node successfully synchronized. system errors detected Specifies the number of times a DTS operation detected a system error. time provider failures detected Specifies the number of times the external time provider signaled a failure or the node was unable to access the time provider. time provider timeouts detected Specifies the number of times a dtsd server process initiated contact with a time provider and did not receive the initial response within the interval specified by local set timeout (the default interval is 5 seconds). This counter is shown only for servers. time representation version mismatches detected Specifies the number of times the local node failed to process a received message containing an incompatible timestamp format. too few servers detected Specifies the number of times a node failed to synchronize because it could not contact the required minimum number of servers. updates initiated Specifies the number of times a server has attempted to update its clock. This counter is shown only for servers. Status current time Specifies the current time on the node. global servers Specifies the set of global servers known by the node. last synchronization Specifies the computed time at the last attempted synchronization. local servers Specifies the set of local servers known by the node. state Specifies the state of the DTS entity. off The DTS entity is disabled. on The DTS entity is enabled. synchronizing The DTS entity is synchronizing. updating The DTS entity is updating the time. uid Specifies the entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created. This attribute is shown only for servers. Privilege Required You must have read permission on the ACL associated with the DTS entity in order to execute the command. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES 1. The following command shows how to display the current time: dtscp> show current time Current Time = 1990-11-30-12:11:41.718-05:00I0.359 EST 2. The following command shows how to display all of the entity's characteristic attribute settings: dtscp> show all Check Interval = +0-01:30:00.000I----- Epoch Number = 0 Error Tolerance = +0-00:10:00.000I----- Local Time Differential Factor = -0-04:00:00.000I----- Maximum Inaccuracy = +0-00:00:00.100I----- Servers Required = 3 Query Attempts = 3 Local Set Timeout = +0-00:00:05.000I----- Global Set Timeout = +0-00:00:15.000I----- Synchronization Hold Down = +0-00:02:00.000I----- Type = Server Courier Role = NonCourier Acting Courier Role = NonCourier Clock Adjustment Rate = 40000000 nsec/sec Maximum Clock Drift Rate = 1000000 nsec/sec Clock Resolution = 10000000 nsec DTS Version = V1.0.1 Time Representation Version = V1.0.0 Time Provider Present = FALSE Automatic TDF Change = FALSE Next TDF Change = 1993-10-31-06:00:00.000+00:00I0.000 Server Principal Name = hosts/system1/self Server Entry Name = hosts/system1/dts-entity Server Group Name = subsys/dce/dts-servers 3. The following command displays the current values of all characteristic attributes: dtscp> show all characteristics This command produces the same output as does the show all command. 4. The following command shows how to display all of the local servers known to the entity: dtscp> show local servers Known Servers Local /.../ Last Time Polled = 1993-10-15-21:01:46.124+00:00I0.809 Last Observed Time = 1993-10-15-21:03:09.041+00:00I----- Last Observed Skew = +0-00:01:22.917I----- Used in Last Synchronization = TRUE Transport Type = RPC Local /.../ Last Time Polled = 1993-10-15-21:01:46.124+00:00I0.809 Last Observed Time = 1993-10-15-21:01:46.143+00:00I0.817 Last Observed Skew = +0-00:00:00.019I1.625 Used in Last Synchronization = TRUE Transport Type = RPC 5. The following command displays the current values of all counter attributes: dtscp> show all counters Creation Time = 1993-10-14-16:23:57.801+00:00I0.767 Local Times Not Intersecting = 0 Server Times Not Intersecting = 0 Different Epochs Detected = 0 Too Few Servers Detected = 0 Time Provider Timeouts Detected = 1 Protocol Mismatches Detected = 0 Time Representation Mismatches Detected = 0 No Global Servers Detected = 0 Servers Not Responding = 0 Clock Settings = 0 Epoch Changes Completed = 0 System Errors Detected = 0 Synchronizations Completed = 865 Updates Initiated = 0 Enable Directives Completed = 1 Disable Directives Completed = 0 Insufficient Resources Detected = 0 Time Provider Failures Detected = 0 Local server not in group = 0 Servers not in group = 0 6. The following command displays the current values of all status attributes: dtscp> show all status UID = 00004e34-5e1c-2c87-8500-08005a0d4582 Last Synchronization = 1993-10-15-21:05:43.023+00:00I----- State = On 7. The following command displays the current value of the courier role attribute: dtscp> show courier role Courier Role = NonCourier 8. The following command displays the server entry name for this server: dtscp> show server entry name Server Entry Name = hosts/system1/dts-entity 9. The following command displays the current state of the Time Service entity: dtscp> show state State = On 10. The following command displays the current value of the check interval attribute: dtscp> show check interval Check Interval = +0-01:30:00.000I----- 11. The following command displays the current value of the servers times not intersecting counter: dtscp> show servers times not intersecting Server Times Not Intersecting = 0 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: set