Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb CONVERT, file, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ CONV/NOCREAT/TRUNC/EXCEPTIONS_FILE=EXFILE VARFILE.DAT FIXFILE.DAT This command causes the Convert utility to copy records from a file with variable-length records (VARFILE.DAT) to a file with fixed-length records (FIXFILE.DAT). Records longer than the fixed length are truncated, and short records are copied to the exceptions file EXFILE.EXC. 2.$ CONVERT FILE.IDX FILE.IDX This command creates the output file FILE.IDX with a version number one higher than that of the input file. The output file is a copy of the input file, but it is a clean copy without bucket splits, RRVs (record reference vectors), or pointers to deleted records. The performance of the output file is also improved. Note that the Convert utility establishes new record file addresses (RFAs) during such reorganizations. 3.$ CONVERT/FDL=TEST.FDL TRNTO::DBA1:[EXP]SUB.DAT OUT.DAT This command creates a new sequential file OUT.DAT with stream record format at the local node, according to the specification in the previously created FDL file TEST.FDL. The input file SUB.DAT at remote node TRNTO is sequential with variable-length record format. The Convert utility copies records from SUB.DAT to OUT.DAT, changing the format of the records. The contents of the FDL file TEST.FDL are as follows: SYSTEM SOURCE VAX/VMS FILE ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL RECORD BLOCK_SPAN YES CARRIAGE_CONTROL CARRIAGE_RETURN FORMAT STREAM SIZE 0 4.$ CONVERT MASTER.DAT DENVER::DB1:[PROD]MASTER.SAV This command creates a new file called MASTER.SAV at remote node DENVER from the file MASTER.DAT at the local node. Because the /FDL qualifier is not used, the new file has the same file organization and record format as the original file. The action of this CONVERT command is similar to that performed by the COPY command. However, CONVERT transfers the file record by record and thus does not use block I/O. 5.$ CONVERT/APPEND SALES.TMP KANSAS::[200,2]SALES.CMD This command causes records from the file SALES.TMP at the local node to be added sequentially to the end of the output file SALES.CMD at remote node KANSAS. The file SALES.TMP is sequential with variable-length record format, and the file SALES.CMD is sequential with stream record format. When the Convert utility loads records from the input file to the output file, it changes the record format. 6.$ CONVERT/FDL=FIXED/PAD=0/TRUNCATE INFILE.VAR OUTFILE.FIX This command creates the fixed format file OUTFILE.FIX and then loads it with records from the variable input file INFILE.VAR. Before they are loaded, any short records from the input file are padded with an ASCII 0 character, and any long records are truncated. 7.$ CONVERT/FDL=SYS$INPUT FORT.DAT STREAM.DAT FILE ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL RECORD CARRIAGE_CONTROL CARRIAGE_RETURN FORMAT STREAM <Ctrl/Z> This command converts the FORTRAN carriage control file FORT.DAT to a stream file that prints or types identically. The number of records may differ, and the FORTRAN carriage control information is removed from the records. 8.$ CONVERT/FDL=SYS$INPUT FORT.DAT VAR.DAT FILE ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL RECORD CARRIAGE_CONTROL CARRIAGE_RETURN FORMAT VARIABLE <Ctrl/Z> This command converts the FORTRAN carriage control file FORT.DAT to a variable-length record file. The FORTRAN carriage control information is preserved as the first data byte, and the number of records in the output and input files is the same.