Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb CONV$ Routines, CONV$PASS_OPTIONS, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
parameter_list_address OpenVMS usage:vector_longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference Address of a variable-length array of longwords used to specify the CONVERT qualifiers. The array is symbolically defined as a structure (CONV$OPTIONS) that you can access in one of the following ways: o As an array of named longwords using zero-based symbols (CONV$L_ . . . ) o As an array using zero-based offsets (CONV$K_ . . . ) The first longword in the array (CONV$L_OPTIONS_COUNT) specifies the number of elements in the array, and each remaining element is associated with a CONVERT qualifier, as shown in CONVERT Qualifiers. You can use the first element to assign values to the first n CONVERT qualifiers-where n is the value of CONV$L_OPTIONS_COUNT-and take default values for the remaining qualifiers. For example, to assign values to only the first three qualifiers and to take the default value for the remaining qualifiers, specify CONV$L_OPTIONS_COUNT=3. This effectively changes the size of the array to include only the first three elements, as follows, which have values you specify: o /CREATE o /SHARE o /FAST_LOAD The remaining qualifiers take the default values depicted in CONVERT Qualifiers. To assign individual values to the CONVERT qualifiers, access the array and specify the desired value (1 or 0). See the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual for detailed descriptions of the CONVERT qualifiers. If you do not specify parameter_list_address, your program effectively sends the routine all of the default values listed in CONVERT Qualifiers. Table 5-2 CONVERT Qualifiers Longword Element Default Symbolic Qualifier Number Value Value Default Value 0 CONV$L_OPTIONS_ None Not applicable COUNT 1 CONV$L_CREATE 1 /CREATE 2 CONV$L_SHARE 0 /NOSHARE 3 CONV$L_FAST 1 /FAST_LOAD 4 CONV$L_MERGE 0 /NOMERGE 5 CONV$L_APPEND 0 /NOAPPEND 6 CONV$L_SORT 1 /SORT 7 CONV$L_WORK_FILES 2 /WORK_FILES=2 8 CONV$L_KEY 0 /KEY=0 9 CONV$L_PAD 0 /NOPAD 10 CONV$L_PAD_ 0 Pad character=0 CHARACTER 11 CONV$L_TRUNCATE 0 /NOTRUNCATE 12 CONV$L_EXIT 0 /NOEXIT 13 CONV$L_FIXED_ 0 /NOFIXED_CONTROL CONTROL 14 CONV$L_FILL_ 0 /NOFILL_BUCKETS BUCKETS 15 CONV$L_READ_CHECK 0 /NOREAD_CHECK 16 CONV$L_WRITE_ 0 /NOWRITE_CHECK CHECK 17 CONV$L_FDL 0 /NOFDL 18 CONV$L_EXCEPTION 0 /NOEXCEPTION 19 CONV$L_PROLOGUE None /PROLOGUE=n 20 CONV$L_IGNORE_ 0 Not applicable PROLOGUE 21 CONV$L_SECONDARY 1 SECONDARY=1 If you specify /EXIT and the utility encounters an exception record, CONVERT returns with a fatal exception status. If you specify an FDL file specification in the CONV$PASS_FILES routine, you must place a 1 in the FDL longword. If you also specify an exceptions file specification in the CONV$PASS_ FILES routine, you must place a 1 in the EXCEPTION longword. You may specify either, both, or neither of these files, but the values in the CONV$PASS_FILES call must match the values in the parameter list. If they do not, the routine returns an error. The PROLOG longword overrides the KEY PROLOG attribute supplied by the FDL file. If you use the PROLOG longword, enter one of the following values: o The value 0 (default) specifies the system or process prolog type. o The value 2 specifies a Prolog 1 or 2 file in all instances, even when circumstances would allow you to create a Prolog 3 file. o The value 3 specifies a Prolog 3 file. If a Prolog 3 file is not allowed, you want the conversion to fail. If the size of the options block that you pass to CONV$PASS_ OPTIONS includes the SECONDARY longword value, then you must specify a value for the IGNORE_PROLOGUE field. This field is used in conjunction with the PROLOGUE offset to determine if the prologue version of the output file is to be taken from a passed FDL, the input file, the process default or system default, or from the options block itself. A value of 0 (zero) for the IGNORE_PROLOGUE field indicates that the prologue version of the output file is to be taken from the PROLOGUE value specified in the options block. If the PROLOGUE value in the options block contains a 0 (zero), the process default or system default prologue version will be used. This will override the prologue version specified in an FDL file or in the input file's characteristics. A value of 1 (one) for the IGNORE_PROLOGUE field implies that the prologue version of the output file will come from the FDL file (if specified) or from the input file's characteristics. flags OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference Flags (or masks) that control how the fdl_filespec argument, used in calls to the CONV$PASS_FILES routine, is interpreted and how errors are signaled. The flags argument is the address of a longword containing the control flags (or a mask). If you omit this argument or specify it as zero, no flags are set. If you specify a flag, it remains in effect until you explicitly reset it in a subsequent call to a CONVERT routine. The flags and their meanings are described in the following table: Flag Function CONV$V_FDL_ Interprets the fdl_filespec argument supplied STRING in the call to CONV$PASS_FILES as an FDL specification in string form. By default, this argument is interpreted as the file name of an FDL file. FDL$V_SIGNAL Signals any error. By default, the status code is returned to the calling image. By default, an error status is returned rather than signaled.