Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb CONV$ Routines, CONV$CONVERT, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
status_block_address OpenVMS usage:vector_longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference The conversion statistics. The status_block_address argument is the address of a variable-length array of longwords that receives statistics about the conversion. You can request conversion statistics using zero-based, symbolic offsets (CONV$K_) into the variable-length array of longwords that contains the statistics. The array is defined as a structure (CONV$STATISTICS) of named longwords (CONV$L_) to support access by high-level progamming languages. Conversion Statistics Array lists the array elements by number and by symbol. The first element specifies the number of statistics to return by array order. For example, if you assign the symbol CONV$L_STATISTICS_COUNT the value 2, the routine returns the statistics from the first two statistics elements: o Number of files converted o Number of records converted Table 5-1 Conversion Statistics Array Array ElementField Name Description 0 CONV$L_STATISTICS_COUNT Number of statistics specified 1 CONV$L_FILE_COUNT Number of files 2 CONV$L_RECORD_COUNT Number of records 3 CONV$L_EXCEPT_COUNT Number of exception record 4 CONV$L_VALID_COUNT Number of valid records 5 CONV$L_KEY_NUMBER Most recent key processed 6 CONV$L_REC_OUT Number of records sorted 7 CONV$L_NODES Nodes in sort tree 8 CONV$L_WRK_ALQ Work file allocation 9 CONV$L_INI_RUNS Initial dispersion runs 10 CONV$L_MRG_ORDER Maximum merge order 11 CONV$L_MRG_PASSES Number of merge passes 12 CONV$L_SORT_DIO_COUNT Sort direct IO 13 CONV$L_SORT_BIO_COUNT Sort buffered IO 14 CONV$Q_SORT_ELAPSED_TIME Sort elapsed time 15 CONV$Q_SORT_CPU_TIME Sort CPU time 16 CONV$L_SORT_PF_COUNT Number of page faults for sort 17 CONV$L_LOAD_DIO_COUNT Load direct IO 18 CONV$L_LOAD_BIO_COUNT Load buffered IO 19 CONV$Q_LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME Load elapsed time 20 CONV$Q_LOAD_CPU_TIME Load CPU time 21 CONV$L_LOAD_PF_COUNT Number of page faults for load flags OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference Flags (or masks) that control how the CONV$PASS_FILES fdl_ filespec argument is interpreted and how errors are signaled. The flags argument is the address of a longword containing control flags (or a mask). If you omit the flags argument or specify it as zero, no flags are set. The flags and their meanings are described in the following table: Flag Function CONV$V_FDL_ Interprets the fdl_filespec argument supplied STRING in the call to CONV$PASS_FILES as an FDL specification in string form. By default, this argument is interpreted as the file name of an FDL file. CONV$V_SIGNAL Signals any error. By default, the status code is returned to the calling image. By default, an error status is returned rather than signaled. callback_routine OpenVMS usage:procedure type: procedure value access: read only mechanism: by reference Name of a user-supplied routine to process the statistics information. The callback_routine argument is the address of the procedure value of a user-supplied routine to call at the completion of each key load.