Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb CMS, UNRESERVE, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
(1) CMS> UNRESERVE FILEIO.BLI _Remark: problem elsewhere %CMS-S-UNRESERVED, element DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]FILEIO.BLI unreserved This command cancels the existing reservation of the element FILEIO.BLI. (2) $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=BYPASS $ CMS UNRESERVE SAMPLE.TXT "unreserving on behalf of SMITH" Element A.TXT currently reserved by: (1) SMITH 1 17-FEB-1988 13:43:52 "sample module for program" Unreserve (1) SAMPLE.TXT generation 1, held by SMITH? [Y/N] (N): Y %CMS-S-UNRESERVED, element DISKX:[SMITH.WORK.CMSLIB]SAMPLE.TXT unreserved This example shows the cancellation of another user's existing reservation (through the use of BYPASS privilege) of the latest generation of the element SAMPLE.TXT. If concurrent reservations of element SAMPLE.TXT existed, you would need to specify the exact reservation to be canceled by using either the /GENERATION or /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.