Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb CMS, ANNOTATE, Example *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
CMS> ANNOTATE TIMECVT.BAS/GENERATION=3 %CMS-S-ANNOTATED, element DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]TIMECVT.BAS annotated This command produces a file named TIMECVT.ANN, which contains the annotated listing of generation 3 of TIMECVT.BAS. The contents of TIMECVT.ANN are as follows: Annotated listing for element TIMECVT.BAS in CMS Library DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB] 25-APR-1988 15:50:29 4 15-APR-1988 10:01:55 JAMES "additional error checks" *3 12-APR-1988 15:49:01 JAMES "add check for invalid delta time" *2 27-MAR-1988 12:39:58 JAMES "jp - fixed length string required" *1 25-MAR-1988 15:37:11 JAMES "time conversion program" Annotated listing for element TIMECVT.BAS in CMS Library DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB] 25-APR-1988 15:50:29 1 10 rem Program to compute an absolute time given the present time 2 rem and a delta time. The result is written to a file. 3 4 20 OPTION TYPE = EXPLICIT 5 DECLARE STRING DELTA_TIME 2 6 MAP (STRING_LEN) STRING ASC_TIME = 80 7 DECLARE LONG RETCODE 8 DIM LONG BINARY_DELTA(1) 9 DIM LONG NOW(1) 10 DIM LONG BINARY_CVT_TIME(1) 11 12 100 EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT SS$_NORMAL 3 13 EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT SS$_IVTIME 14 EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$ADDX 15 EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$SUBX 16 EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$INT_OVER 17 EXTERNAL INTEGER FUNCTION SYS$BINTIM (STRING BY DESC, LONG BY REF) 18 EXTERNAL INTEGER FUNCTION SYS$GETTIM (LONG BY REF) 19 EXTERNAL INTEGER FUNCTION SYS$ASCTIM (LONG BY REF, STRING BY DESC, & 20 LONG BY REF, LONG BY REF) 21 150 LET RETCODE = LIB$INT_OVER(0) 22 PRINT "Input delta time" 23 INPUT DELTA_TIME 24 LET RETCODE = SYS$BINTIM ( DELTA_TIME, BINARY_DELTA(0) ) 3 25 175 IF (RETCODE = SS$_NORMAL) THEN GOTO 200 3 26 ELSE IF RETCODE = SS$_IVTIME THEN & 3 27 PRINT ,"INVALID TIME" 3 28 GOTO DONE 3 29 END IF 3 30 END IF 3 31 200 LET retcode = SYS$GETTIM(NOW(0)) 3 32 IF (VAL( DELTA_TIME ) > 0 ) THEN & 33 retcode=LIB$ADDX(NOW(0),BINARY_DELTA (0) , BINARY_CVT_TIME(0)) 34 END IF 35 LET retcode = SYS$ASCTIM(,ASC_TIME,BINARY_ CVT_TIME(0),) 36 OPEN "TIME.TMP" FOR OUTPUT AS FILE #1 37 PRINT #1,ASC_TIME 38 CLOSE #1 39 32767 Done: END 40 The element's history appears at the beginning of the file TIMECVT.ANN. The history lists the records of the transactions that created each of the four generations. However, because the third generation was annotated (ANNOTATE TIMECVT.BAS/GENERATION=3), changes made after generation 3 are not shown in the annotated listing. Generation 3 and its ancestors are marked with an asterisk in the history. The source file listing shows each line of the file, including line numbers. The numbers farthest to the left are the generation numbers in which the line was most recently inserted or modified; the lines with no generation numbers have not changed since generation 1. The next column of numbers is assigned by CMS. The third column of numbers is included in the program itself.