Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
ANALYZE, /OBJECT, Description

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    The ANALYZE/OBJECT command describes the contents of one or more
    object modules contained in one or more files. It also performs
    a partial error analysis. This analysis determines whether all
    records in an object module conform in content, format, and
    sequence to the specifications of the Alpha or VAX object language.

    The ANALYZE/OBJECT command automatically distinguishes Alpha
    objects from VAX objects by examining the format of the extended
    object modules header (EOMH).

    ANALYZE/OBJECT is intended primarily for programmers of compilers,
    debuggers, or other software involving the operating system's
    object modules. It checks that the object language records
    generated by the object modules are acceptable to the Linker
    utility, and it identifies certain errors in the file. It also
    provides a description of the records in the object file or
    object module library. For more information on the linker and on
    the Alpha and VAX object languages, refer to the OpenVMS Linker
    Utility Manual.

    The ANALYZE/OBJECT command analyzes the object modules in order,
    record by record, from the first to the last record in the object
    module. Fields in each record are analyzed in order from the
    first to the last field in the record. After the object module
    is analyzed, you should compare the content and format of each
    type of record to the required content and format of that record
    as described by the OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX object language.
    This comparison is particularly important if the analysis output
    contains a diagnostic message.

    Linking an object module differs from analyzing an object module.
    Object language commands are not executed in an analysis, but
    they are executed in a linking operation. As a result, even if
    the analysis is error free, the linking operation may not be. In
    particular, the analysis does not check the following:

    o  That data arguments in TIR commands are in the correct format.

    o  That "Store Data" TIR commands are storing within legal
       address limits.

    Therefore, as a final check, you should still link an object
    module whose analysis is error free.

    If an error is found, however, the first error of the worst
    severity that is discovered is returned. For example, if a
    warning (A) and two errors (B and C) are signaled, then the first
    error (B) is returned as the image exit status, which is placed
    in the DCL symbol $STATUS at image exit.

    ANALYZE/OBJECT uses positional qualifiers; that is, qualifiers
    whose function depends on their position in the command line.
    When a positional qualifier precedes all of the input files in
    a command line, it affects all input files. For example, the
    following command line requests that the analysis include the
    global symbol directory records in files A, B, and C:


    Conversely, when a positional qualifier is associated with only
    one file in the parameter list, only that file is affected. For
    example, the following command line requests that the analysis
    include the global symbol directory records in file B only:


    Typically, all records in an object module are analyzed. However,
    when the /DBG, /EOM, /GSD, /LNK, /MHD, /TBT, or /TIR qualifier is
    specified, only the record types indicated by the qualifiers are
    analyzed. All other record types are ignored.

    By default, the analysis includes all record types unless
    you explicitly request a limited analysis using appropriate


       End-of-module (EOM) records and module header (MHD) records
       are always analyzed, no matter which qualifiers you specify.
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