Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
ANALYZE, /IMAGE, Description

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    The ANALYZE/IMAGE command provides a description of the
    components of an executable image file or shareable image file.
    It also verifies that the structure of the major parts of the
    image file is correct. However, the ANALYZE/IMAGE command cannot
    ensure that program execution is error free.

    If errors are found, the first error of the worst severity is
    returned. For example, if a warning (A) and two errors (B and
    C) are found, the first error (B) is returned as the image exit
    status. The image exit status is placed in the DCL symbol $STATUS
    at image exit.

    The ANALYZE/IMAGE command distinguishes Alpha system image files
    from VAX system image files by examining the extended image
    header (EIHD).

    The ANALYZE/IMAGE command provides the following information:

    o  Image type - Identifies whether the image is executable or

    o  Image transfer addresses - Identify the addresses to which
       control is passed at image execution time.

    o  Image version - Identifies the revision level (major ID and
       minor ID) of the image.

    o  Location and size of the image's symbol vector (Alpha only)

    o  Location of the debugger symbol table (DST) - Identifies the
       location of the DST in the image file. DST information is
       present only in executable images that have been linked with
       the /DEBUG or the /TRACEBACK command qualifier.

    o  Location of the global symbol table (GST) - Identifies the
       location of the GST in the image file. GST information is
       present only in shareable image files.

    o  Patch information - Indicates whether the image has been patched
       (changed without having been recompiled or reassembled and
       relinked). If a patch is present, the actual patch code can be

    o  Image section descriptors (ISD) - Identify portions of the image
       binary contents that are grouped in OpenVMS Cluster systems
       according to their attributes. An ISD contains information
       that the image activator needs when it initializes the address
       space for an image. For example, an ISD tells whether the ISD
       is shareable, whether it is readable or writable, whether it
       is based or position independent, and how much memory should
       be allocated.

    o  Fixup vectors - Contain information that the image activator
       needs to ensure the position independence of shareable image

    o  System version categories - For an image that is linked against
       the executive (the system shareable image on Alpha or the
       system symbol table on VAX), displays both the values of the
       system version categories for which the image was linked
       originally and the values for the system that is currently
       running. You can use these values to identify changes in the
       system since the image was linked last.

    The ANALYZE/IMAGE command has command qualifiers and positional
    qualifiers. By default, if you do not specify any positional
    qualifiers (for example, /GST or /HEADER), the entire image is
    analyzed. If you do specify a positional qualifier, the analysis
    excludes all other positional qualifiers except the /HEADER
    qualifier (which is always enabled) and any qualifier that you
    request explicitly.
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