Library /sys$common/syshlp/examples/decw/custom.hlb Overview, chngcolmap *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The file DXMDEFAULTS.DAT allows you to control how many dynamic color cells are allocated and what resources are affected. This file contains resource specifications like the following: *background: DXmDynamicWindowBackground *foreground: DXmDynamicWindowForeground *topShadowColor: DXmDynamicWindowTopShadow When the customizer is started, the file DXMDEFAULTS.DAT is written to a property on the root window. Any application that is subsequently run, which uses the correct X Toolkit library, will merge these resources with its normal resource database. Resource specifications in this file will take precedence over specifications with equivalent left-hand sides in other resource defaults files. The color values for the right side, within the file DXMDEFAULTS.DAT, have a special format. For each unique color value in this file that begins with the string "DXmDynamic", a color button is created in the color customizer. If the string "Shadow" is encountered in a name, the color button is placed in the shadow button box rather than the normal color button box. If a color value string ends with the suffix "Background", it is linked to any color buttons with identical prefixes and suffixes of "TopShadow", "BottomShadow", or "SelectColor" for purposes of automatic shadowing. If a color value named "DXmDynamicScreenBackground" is encountered, the color cell allocated is used by the customizer to set the root window background color. You can edit the file DXMDEFAULTS.DAT and define many resources to use the same color cells. You can have separate dynamic color cells, especially for scrollbar widgets or for your Mail application, by adding lines like the following: Mail*background: DXmDynamicMyMailBackground Mail*foreground: DXmDynamicMyMailForeground Mail*topShadowColor: DXmDynamicMyMailTopShadow Mail*bottomShadowColor: DXmDynamicMyMailBottomShadow Doing this and restarting the customizer causes four new color cells to be allocated and four new color buttons to be added to the customizer interface. These buttons are assigned default color values (usually black or white) for each palette. These defaults can then be modified for each palette through the customizer interface. ________________________ Note ________________________ The text of the DXMDEFAULTS.DAT file is read and parsed by the color customizer. The parsing algorithm does not allow comments, incorrect spacing, or incorrect resource specifications. If this file or the CUSTOM.DAT resource file become corrupt, the customizer cannot start correctly. Copy the shipped versions of CUSTOM.DAT and DXMDEFAULTS.DAT from DECW$EXAMPLES into your login directory to resolve the problem. ______________________________________________________