Library /sys$common/syshlp/eve$help.hlb EDT Conversion *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
EDT Conversion If you are accustomed to EDT, you can customize EVE to work like EDT. Typically, you create a section file (with SAVE EXTENDED EVE) to save key definitions, learn sequences, and global settings, and use an initialization file (typically named EVE$INIT.EVE) for settings that are not saved in a section file, such as margins and tab stops. Here are some hints and examples: o Use SET KEYPAD EDT to enable the EDT-style keypad. Put the command in an initialization file, save the keypad setting by creating a section file, or define the EVE$KEYPAD logical name to be EDT. Most keypad functions work as in real EDT, although the names may differ. See help on EDT Differences. o Use DEFINE KEY to define other keys. For example, you may want to redefine GOLD-KP8 as FILL RANGE to avoid accidentally filling text that does not have blank lines or other paragraph boundaries. Save the key definitions by creating a section file or by putting the DEFINE KEY commands in an initialization file---for example: In EDT In EVE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEF KEY gold 3 AS "ext show buffer." DEF KEY= gold-e3 show buffers DEF KEY gold l AS "chglw." DEF KEY= gold-l lowercase word DEF KEY gold u AS "chguw." DEF KEY= gold-u uppercase word DEF KEY gold 9 AS "cutsr paste." DEF KEY= gold-kp9 store text DEF KEY cont n as "ext quit." DEF KEY= ctrl/n quit DEF KEY func 34 AS "shr." DEF KEY= F20 shift left 8 DEF KEY gold 10 AS "ext find=?.." DEF KEY= gold-pf2 buffer DEF KEY gold a AS "appendsr." DEF KEY= gold-a edt kp9 DEF KEY gold-16 AS "+par." DEF KEY= gold-period wps kp5 Note the differences in some key names. For example, in EVE, GOLD-3 is the sequence of the GOLD key and the number 3 on the keyboard. See help on Names For Keys. o Use SET CURSOR BOUND to enable an EDT-style bound cursor. By default, EVE uses a free cursor, which you can move anywhere in the buffer. You can save the setting in a section file or command file. See help on Attributes. o Use SET RIGHT MARGIN much as you use SET WRAP in real EDT---for example: In EDT In EVE ------------------------------------------------- SET WRAP 70 SET RIGHT MARGIN 70 SET NOTRUNCATE SET WRAP If you want each buffer to have the same right margin, put the command in your EVE initialization file (see help on Defaults). Note that SET WRAP is the default EVE setting. o Use SET SCROLL MARGINS to set distances for scrolling to begin automatically as you move the cursor up or down. For example, with a 24-line terminal screen (21-line main window), the following EDT and EVE commands are equivalent: In EDT In EVE --------------------------------------------------- SET CURSOR 5:15 SET SCROLL MARGINS 5 6 Note that EVE scroll margins are measured from the top and bottom respectively, whereas in EDT, both are measured from the top. You can specify numbers of lines or percentages of the screen size. Also, the size of the EVE main window depends on the terminal screen. For example, on a workstation, the main window may be longer than 21 lines. To keep your scroll margins for future editing sessions, put the command in your EVE initialization file. o Searches follow EVE rules for case sensitivity and white space. Use SET FIND commands to set the way you want searches to work---for example: In EDT In EVE ------------------------------------------------ SET SEARCH EXACT SET FIND CASE EXACT These are not exact equivalences because EVE always matches diacritical marks exactly as entered in the search string. For more information about case sensitivity for searches, see help on FIND and REPLACE. o Use TPU procedures in place of EDT macros. Create a buffer containing the procedure and then compile the procedure with EXTEND EVE, or put the procedure in a command file (.TPU) and then invoke EVE with the /COMMAND= qualifier. In either case, you can save the compiled procedure in your section file. The following examples show a macro from an EDT command file translated into a TPU procedure. Each creates a new command, WIDEN, which sets the display to 132 columns and sets the right margin to 120. EDT Macro TPU Procedure +------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ | FIND=widen | | PROCEDURE eve_widen | | INSERT;SET SCREEN 132 | | EVE_SET_WIDTH (132); | | INSERT;SET WRAP 120 | | EVE_SET_RIGHT_MARGIN (120); | | FIND=main. | | ENDPROCEDURE; | +------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ In EDT In EVE -------------------- ---------------- DEFINE MACRO widen EXTEND eve_widen WIDEN WIDEN Alternatively, use LEARN to bind the relevant EVE commands to a single key and then save the key definition in your section file. Another method is to put the relevant commands in an EVE initialization file which can be executed during a session by using the @ command. o Create "jacket" procedures to add commands to EVE, using EVE$ procedures for EDT keys. (The EVE source files are available online in SYS$EXAMPLES.) Compile your procedures and save them in a section file, or put the procedures in a command file (.TPU). For example, the following procedures create EVE commands named APPEND and CHANGE CASE, using the procedures for the Append and ChngCase keys: PROCEDURE eve_append RETURN (EVE$EDT_APPEND); ENDPROCEDURE; ! Append command PROCEDURE eve_change_case RETURN (EVE$EDT_CHNGCASE); ENDPROCEDURE; ! Change Case command o In EVE, using SELECT and then REMOVE or CUT without moving the cursor selects and removes the current character, whereas in real EDT it clears the paste buffer. If you want EDT-style behavior, reassign a variable as follows: Command: TPU EVE$X_SELECT_REMOVE_FLAG := 1; The variable assignment is saved when you create a section file. o EVE does not define keys for EDT-style tab adjustment. However, you can get similar effects by defining a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD-R) and then using the ruler to add or delete tab stops. For example, the following command defines F20 as the WPS Ruler key without having to enable the WPS keypad: Command: DEFINE KEY= F20 WPS GOLD-R Then, to add or delete tab stops, do the following steps: 1. Press the key you defined for the WPS Ruler (such as F20 in the example above). EVE displays a ruler at the bottom of the current window (just above the status line). The cursor appears in the ruler. Tab stops are marked with a T. 2. Put the cursor where you want to add or remove a tab stop. Press --> and <-- to move within the ruler, or press TAB to move to the next or previous T in the ruler. 3. Type a T or t at that location to set a tab stop at that column or to delete a tab stop already there. New tab stops are immediately applied to the buffer you are editing. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add or delete other tab stops. To exit from the ruler and resume editing, press the RETURN key. For more information about the WPS Ruler key, including a list of keys for moving the cursor in the ruler, see help on Ruler Keys. Related topics: Attributes Command Files EDT Differences Initialization Files Names For Keys New User Section Files DEFINE KEY SET KEYPAD EDT