Library /sys$common/syshlp/dtm$dw_helplib.hlb
mu, v_mu, v_xm

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  Choose the Expand menu item to display in a view
  the children or attributes of objects preceded by
  icons. Children and attributes represent additional
  information or levels of detail about an object.

  To expand a view object preceded by an icon, perform
  the following steps:

  1. Use MB1 to select and highlight the specific object
     in the view

  2. Choose the Expand menu item

  3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu

  Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by
  an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or
  collapse, depending on its current state.

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