Library /sys$common/syshlp/dns$cphelp.hlb show, dns, clerk, known_namespace *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
Displays current information about the specified namespace. SYNOPSIS SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK KNOWN NAMESPACE identifier [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Arguments node-id The name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the local node is assumed. identifier The identifier of the namespace. You can use one of the following identifiers: the simple name for the namespace, which can contain wildcard characters, or the NSCTS, which is the value of the namespace creation timestamp that is automatically assigned when the namespace is created. The format of the NSCTS is 14 pairs of hex digits (xx-xx). attribute-specifier The name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of the following attribute specifiers: all [attributes] all counters all identifiers all status Ambiguous Creation Time Explicit Creation Name Nickname NSCTS prepositional-phrase A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify the following prepositional phrase: with attribute [relop] value Description This command displays the names and values of the attributes or attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enter this command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination of attribute specifiers in a single command. Use a comma to separate the specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute specifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values. PRIVILEGES REQUIRED You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system.
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