Library /sys$common/syshlp/dns$cphelp.hlb
add, object

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including
 application-defined attributes) of an object entry. If the value
 is already defined for the attribute, no error message is generated.
 Usually this task is performed through the client application, since
 the client application defines the name of the attribute and the
 syntax of its value.


      ADD OBJECT object-name attribute-name [=] attribute-value



 The full name of an object entry.


 The name of a particular attribute. Specify your own attribute
 name or one of the DECdns-defined attributes. Separate multiple
 attributes with commas.


 The value of a particular attribute. You can express the values of
 application-defined attributes as quoted strings, "ps"; hex strings,
 %x FF00EE; or concatenations of them in parentheses, (%x0103 "ps").

 You must have write access to the object entry or control access to
 the parent directory in which you intend to store the attribute.

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